School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School
Room 2270 (Entrance E)
Monday, February 14, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comments during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the February 14, 2022 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- January 10, 2022 regular board meeting minutes, open session and the January 24, 2022 special meeting, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation/Retirement/Employment/Leave of Absence
- Approval Items:
- Request from Jenny Forsythe, DECA Advisor and 14 students to attend the overnight State Career Development Conference in Lake Geneva, WI on February 22-24, 2022 and to begin planning, if they qualify, for the International Competition in April 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Request from Laura Johnson, FBLA Advisor and 4 (four) students to attend the overnight State FBLA Competition in Madison, WI on March 27-29, 2022.
- Reopening and Continuity of Services Isolation Plan for 2021-22 Language Revisions
- 2022-23 and 2023-24 Teacher Calendar
- Early College Credit Program – Summer 2022
- New Policies – 2nd Reading
- No. 2700.01 School Performance and State Accountability Report Cards
- No. 5500.01 Conduct in Virtual Classroom
- Pupil Services Report – Mental Health Grant
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- January 14, 2022 Pupil Count
- Revenue Projections
- Maintenance update
- Donation(s)
- Bus Drivers/Mechanics Appreciation Day – February 15, 2022
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition Bailey Williams, Gr. 6 received the “Junior Journey Award” from Essentia Health, which recognizes an outstanding young adults living with a disability who is optimally engaged in school or other life activities and who’s courage inspires others.
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 at Northwestern High School
Monday, January 24, 2022 – 4:00 p.m.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the January 24, 2022 special meeting agenda open and executive sessions.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included under this item is the Business Manager Employment and Contract for 2022-23. Reconvene to open session at 4:15 p.m.
- Approval of a 2022-23 Employment Contract for the Business Manager.
- Adjournment.
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 at Northwestern High School
Monday, January 10, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
YouTube Link:
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comments during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the January 10, 2022 agenda open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- December 13, 2021 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Retirement/Employment
- Approval Items:
- Choir Tour – Remove from Table Due to Cancellation.
- Request from Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor and two (2) students would like to attend the overnight field trip to the 2022 Halftime Leadership Conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin on January 14-15, 2022.
- 5c. Request from Anna Haskins and Crystal Esselstrom, Co-Danceline Coaches to attend the overnight Regional Dance Competition in Hudson, WI on January 28-29, 2022 and if they qualify, attend the overnight State Dance Competition at the La Crosse Center in La Crosse, WI on February 4 & 5.
- Open Enrollment Policy - Space Availability
- Contract Adjustments
- Policies:
Policy Revisions:
- Bylaws: 0100-Definitions; 0143-Authority of Individual Board Members, 0144.2-Board Member Ethics-Delete, 0144.3-Conflict of Interest, 0144.5-Board member Behavior and Code of Conduct, 0145-Board Member Anti-Harassment, 0167.3-Public Comment at Board Meetings, 0171.1-President, 0174.2-School Performance Report- Delete
- No. 1130/3230/4230 – Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- No. 1210 – Board-District Administrator Relationship
- No. 1422/3122/4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
- No. 1422.02/3122.02/4122.02 – Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee
- No. 1623/3123/4123 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment
- No. 1662/3362/4362/5517 – Employee Anti-Harassment/Student Anti-Harassment
- No. 2240 – Controversial Issues in the Classroom
- No. 2260 – Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity
- No. 2260.01 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability
- No. 2431 – Interscholastic Athletics
- No. 3170/4170 – Substance Abuse (Delete)
- No. 3215/4215/5512 – Use of Tobacco and Nicotine
- No. 3216/4216 – Staff Dress and Grooming
- No. 4162 – Controlled substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students
- No. 5112 – Entrance Age
- No. 5520 – Disorderly Conduct
- No. 6152 – Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
- No. 7434 – Use of Tobacco On School Premises
- No. 7440.01 – Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
- No. 8500 – Food Services
- No. 9270 – Home-based, Private, or Tribal Schooling
New: 1st Reading:
- No. 2700.01 – School Performance Reports and Accountability Report Cards
- No. 5500.01 – Conduct in Virtual Classroom
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- Liability and Property/Casualty Insurance
- School Board Verification of Election
- Maintenance Update
- Donations
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- State Education Convention – January 19-21, 2022
- 2022 Delegate Assembly
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletics and Activities Director, Director of Special Education and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Mike Goodlet-Meijer and the cast of “Bad Auditions by Bad Actors” received the “Critic’s Choice Award,” representing an elite level of achievement at the State Festival. Additionally, the production earned: Directing Award, Ensemble Award and Technical Theatre Award. Plus earning an Outstanding Acting Award: Sheila Gregerson-Gr. 11, Olivia Pangrac-Gr. 12, Ella Cain-Gr. 11 and Gilbert Torvinen-Gr. 12.
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
Maple, Wisconsin 54854
Due to inclement weather, the Clerk (or designee) of the Board of Education, School District of Maple, Douglas County, State of Wisconsin and two reputable citizens will now meet on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the District Conference Room #2700 at Northwestern High School, Maple, WI for the verification of candidates and the drawing of the ballot order for the April 5, 2022 school board election. The meeting is open to the public.
Maple, Wisconsin 54854
The Clerk (or designee) of the Board of Education, School District of Maple, Douglas County, State of Wisconsin and two reputable citizens will meet on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the District Conference Room #2700 at Northwestern High School, Maple, WI for the verification of candidates and the drawing of the ballot order for the April 5, 2022 school board election. The meeting is open to the public.
Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP)
Home Energy Plus includes the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) and the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). WHEAP provides assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situation. WAP helps renters and homeowners improve energy efficiency and reduce their energy consumption. Operating with federal and state funding, the program provides assistance to households across the state to help lower the burden incurred with monthly energy costs.
Most types of fuel are eligible to receive assistance. Whether you use wood, propane, natural gas, electricity, or fuel oil to heat your home, energy assistance is available if you qualify.
Heating Assistance
WHEAP assistance is a one-time payment during the heating season (October 1-May 15). The funding pays a portion of the heating costs, but the payment is not intended to cover the entire cost of heating a residence. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the household’s size, income, and energy costs. In most cases the energy assistance benefit is paid directly to the household’s energy supplier.
Electric Assistance
Your household may be eligible to receive a payment for non-heating electric energy costs through funding provided by Wisconsin’s Public Benefits Program.
WHEAP electric (non-heating) assistance is a one-time payment during the heating season (October 1-May 15). The funding pays a portion of the household’s electrical (non-heating) costs, but the payment is not intended to cover the entire cost of the non- heating costs. The amount of the non- heating assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the household’s size, income, and non-heating costs. In most cases the non-heating assistance benefit is paid directly to the household’s energy supplier.
Crisis Assistance
A household may be eligible for crisis assistance if you are experiencing an energy emergency. Crisis assistance is available through local WHEAP agencies that provide a 24-hour crisis phone number to help with emergencies that occur after business hours (715-394-4432). Crisis assistance is intended to provide emergency and/or preventative services to assist eligible households experiencing an energy emergency. Non-emergency or preventative crisis services are also available and include providing information on how to reduce fuel costs, counseling on budgeting and money management, providing payments to a fuel supplier, and co-pay agreements.
Furnace Assistance
WHEAP emergency heating system assistance can provide services to eligible home owners if the heating unit stops operating during the heating season. Heating system assistance includes payment for repairs, or in some situations your residence may qualify for a total replacement of a non- operating furnace, boiler, or wood stove. Call the local energy assistance office immediately if you are experiencing a no-heat situation at 715-395-1304 or after-hours/weekends at 715-394-4432.
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) helps homeowners and renters reduce energy consumption while increasing comfort in their homes. Weatherization improvements may also make your home environment healthier and safer. Improvements are installed by the local weatherization agency in your area.
If your residence qualifies for weatherization services, you may receive one or more of the following
energy efficiency measures:
- Insulation: Adding insulation to the attic, walls, and crawlspace helps reduce energy use and increase comfort.
- Sealing Air Leaks: Sealing air leaks reduces cold drafts caused by gaps or cracks in the home’s structure and may improve indoor air quality.
- Heating System Update: Repairing or replacing an inefficient furnace or boiler will save energy and money.
- Energy-Saving Products: Installing water saving faucet aerators and shower heads and ENERGY STAR® light bulbs will reduce your energy needs. Replacing an old refrigerator or freezer with a new ENERGY STAR® qualified model will also save energy.
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Room #2270
Monday, December 13, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the December 13, 2021 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- November 8, 2021 regular board meeting, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Employment
- Report: Wisconsin State Report Cards for the District and Schools - 2020-21
- Approval Items:
- Request from Michael Goodlet-Meijer, Choir Director, to change the venue of the 2022 Northwestern High School Choir Tour from New York City at the end of the 2021-22 school year to Orlando, Florida.
- Request from Peter Lawton and Nick Olson Northwestern Middle School Advisors and Student Council Representatives Lauren Wiita and Reagan Eberhardt, to plan and attend an “Experience Day” on Friday, February 25, 2022.
- Request to apply for a Fab Lab Grant and Matching Funds
- Report and Recommendations from the December 13, 2021 Curriculum Committee Meeting.
- Employee Handbook Revision - Leave Without Pay Reimbursement for Benefits
- Administrative reports:
- Communications
- Ad Hoc Transportation Meeting Update
- 101st State Education Convention – January 19-21, 2022
- Maintenance Report
- Donation(s)
- WASB and Legislative Correspondence
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Director, Director of Special Education, School Counselors and Student Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
(Where a majority of the Board may attend)
District Conference Room at NHS, #2270
Monday, December 13, 2021, 4:30 p.m.
- Call to Order.
- Roll Call: Gail Saari, Chair; Nancy Lind, Shari Olson - Committee Members.
- The meeting was published in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage and throughout the District according to School Board Policy.
- Northwestern High School – New Course for 2022-23
- Advanced Placement Government and Politics – Paul Eberhardt
- Grades 11 - 12
- 1.5 Credit, 2 Terms
- Advanced Placement Government and Politics – Paul Eberhardt
- Revisions:
- Social Studies:
- Remove the Constitution course (replaced by AP Government and Politics) Mind and Human Behavior and Law and Justice course descriptions updated to better reflect course content.
- Math:
- Title Change of Technical Engineering Mathematics to Technical Applied Math.
- Art:
- Remove Art Student Leader, Art History
- No Longer offered as a “skinny”: Sculpture, Graphic Art
- Social Studies:
- Adjournment.
Maple, WI 54854
April 5, 2022
Wisconsin State Statutes §120.06(6)(b)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to qualified electors of the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MAPLE that a School Board election will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 (Primary on February 15, 2022 if needed) to fill the following Board positions:
3-year term, beginning Monday, April 25, 2022 and expiring on April 28, 2025
Term of office for the following incumbent school board members expires on April 25, 2022:
- Nancy A. Lind
- Willliam M. Granlund
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that an elector desiring to be a candidate for a position on the Board of Education for the School District of Maple must file a CAMPAIGN REGISTRATION STATEMENT and DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY at the DISTRICT OFFICE, located at Northwestern High School, 4751 South County Road F, Maple, WI 54854, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the DISTRICT OFFICE ending no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
A description of the school district boundaries can be obtained from the District Office or District website at
Forms prescribed by the Wisconsin Ethics Commission for the making of reports and statements under the campaign finance laws are available on the commission’s website (i.e., at and The clerk will make copies of such forms and certain manuals prescribed by the Ethics Commission available to candidate committees at no charge upon request.
PLEASE NOTE: The District Office will be closed on December 23-31, 2021.
Dated this 19th Day of November, 2021
NHS Students Sign National Letters of Intent
Congrats to Ruby Moore for signing a National Letter of Intent to play Softball at West Texas A & M University
Congrats to Trent Meyer for signing at National Letter in Intent to play golf at UW-Green Bay
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