Mission Statement
Per Wisconsin DPI, Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary success, obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills.
Educational and Career Opportunities in Our Region
The School District of Maple is located in the northernmost part of Wisconsin along the beautiful south shore of Lake Superior. It is in a thriving rural community with many opportunities for its graduates to attend post-secondary institutions and/or start a career. It is located in close proximity to UW-Superior, UM-Duluth, The College of St. Scholastica, Northland College as well as Superior Campus of the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College. Over 50% of Northwestern High School graduates attend a 2 or 4 year institution within the first year after graduation. As the baby boom generation retires there will be plentiful career possibilities for graduates within the School District of Maple community. The top three growing occupations that will need trained workers include professional & business services, construction, as well as education & health services.
More Information for Parents and Students
Outreach to Area Businesses, Industries and Organizations
A crucial part of our Academic and Career Planning at the School District of Maple relies on our outreach to area businesses, industries and organizations in primarily Douglas, Bayfield and Ashland Counties. Click here to learn more information about these partnerships
The School District of Maple ACP Team
Karl Morrin, Superintendent, #2264
Brian Smith, 9-12 Principal, #2015
Breena Kroll, 9-12 Counselor, #2024
Jennifer Forsythe, 9-12 School-To-Work Coordinator/At Risk Coordinator
Tanya Krieg, 6-8 Principal, #1400
Erika Kaufman, 6-8 Counselor, #1438
Bradley Larrabee, PK-5 Principal, #1300
Kara Hietala, PK-5 Counselor, #1304
About the YouTube Video...
Tiger Manufacturing is all about the Construction and Manufacturing classes of Northwestern High School in Maple, WI. Through those classes, students in Tiger Manufacturing learn real world skills using modern manufacturing techniques and equipment.
Video Credit, Justine Moss ('17)
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