School District of Maple
Sept/Oct 2020 NHS Activities Round-Up

November 02, 2020

NHS Activities Round-up: September & October 2020

Art Club

The Art Club had their first meeting on October 30. At the meeting, students voted on officers. Congratulations to Co-Presidents Amy Bates and Lily Cain, Secretary Hailey Finkler, and Treasurer Cody VanCamp! 

The Visual Arts Classic is going online this year, so the Tigers will be defending their state championship virtually on March 20, 2021.


The NHS Tiger Pep Band started the year strong by playing at the October 2nd & 9th home football games.  While there was no Apple Festival Parade this year, students still worked on marching basics to prepare for the KBJR Parade to be held on Friday, November 20.

On Friday, October 30, the band hosted a YouTube Live Open Rehearsal.  They were able to share concert music that they’ve been working on throughout October.  You can watch the entire “rehearsal” here: 

You can follow the band on Facebook at


The first quarter of the year had the choir singing madrigals, folk songs, spirituals and Broadway tunes. While that might seem normal, it was anything but! Students adapted extremely well to the use of singers’ masks and to rehearsals in the auditorium and upper gym. Their first public presentation was on October 30 as they hosted an open rehearsal to the public. If you did not get a chance to see it, you can watch and listen here:


Your DECA chapter had their first meeting in October, and we’re excited for another amazing year!  Our fundraiser is open through November 5th, and the pasta-bilities are endless!  Please consider supporting us:

Also, we are looking for local businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with our chapter and share your expertise.  If you’d be interested in participating, please contact the chapter advisor, Miss Forsythe at 


The drama team has been preparing a radio show for competition! This year, all competitions are virtual, and the team has decided to video their show, set in the 1940s. It is an adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s story The Happy Prince and will be broadcast to the public in November. Students have become voice actors and have still incorporated costumes, set, and tech for the show.

National Honor Society:  

The National Honor Society voted on officers this year.  Congratulations to Maura Lubbers as President, and Kylie Benesch and Allison Luoma as officers.  Typically the National Honor Society participates in Trick-or-Can on Halloween to collect food for the local food shelf, however this year that had to be canceled.  The members have been busy brainstorming safe ways to give back to the school and community and look forward to putting those plans into action in the coming months.

Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl has had their competition meets over Bluejeans.  It is a bit different this year, as each team answers a set of 20 questions and then the competing team is asked the same set of questions.  Each team meets with the moderator individually.  We are 4-1-0 so far for the year.  Great start for us


Senior grad pictures, baby pictures, and quotes are due this week (November 5).  If you have not submitted one to Mrs. Thompson yet, please email those items to her ASAP.

If you need to order a yearbook, the easiest way to do so is to go to and follow the instructions to order one from Northwestern High School.  Any questions, email Mrs. Thompson (

NMS Tiger Tales - November 2020

November 02, 2020

Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Our NMS Mission

Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encourages the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Subscribe to the District YouTube Channel

As we continue in our current learning environment and beyond, we want to utilize our district YouTube Channel more. Look for more athletic events, arts events and district meetings to appear on our YouTube Channel at Click on the link and then SUBSCRIBE!! With more subscribers, we will be able to use this resource more and help everyone stay better connected to our district's activities.

Have You Ever Considered Being a Substitute Teacher? Or Know of a GREAT Person Who Might?

Check out this article...We would LOVE to have you!

Continue to Dress in Layers

Loving seeing all of those sweatshirts and pants! Why? Because we are going to maximize any and all time we can to get outside for as long as we can for recess. Please make sure you check your weather app and dress appropriately for our northland weather. Layering is key! You can shred as the day wears on, and add if you need to when we go outside.

Keep Your Chromebook with You

Please make sure if you checked out a Chromebook for school use that you bring it to school on the days you are at school, and home on the days you are there - especially in our current climate. Think of it like your phone or shoes...should be with you at all times.

Interested in Hunter Safety?

Hunter’s Safety!! If you need to get your Hunter’s Safety Certification, here is your opportunity. It’s online and anyone under the age 18 can take it. The course runs from Oct. 15th to Dec. 31st. This is a temporary update. Go to the Wisconsin DNR website to find details. Those of you planning to join the trap team in the spring must have a Hunter’s Safety Certification.

Nurse Reminders

As the holiday season approaches us and some classrooms may be having holiday parties, I wanted to send out a friendly reminder that we have several students in our school that have a severe peanut/nut allergy. Strict avoidance of peanut/nut products is the only way to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. We are asking your assistance in providing the student with a safe learning environment. If exposed to peanuts/nuts the student(s) may develop a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. The greatest potential for exposure at school is to peanut products and nut products. To reduce the risk of exposure, this school will be peanut/nut free. All shared snacks should be store bought with the food labels with ingredients listed on them. Please, do not send any peanut or tree nut containing products or any snack that is made in a facility that processes peanuts for your child to eat in the classroom. Please read the label of your child's foods before you send it to school. Any exposure to peanuts or nuts through contact, ingestion or smell can cause a severe reaction. If your child has eaten peanuts, peanut butter, or nuts prior to coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands have been thoroughly washed prior to entering the school. The more a child is exposed the worse the reaction can be the next time. The goal is to prevent any further exposures to the students with the allergy. We appreciate your support.

Our NMS Safety and Hygiene Reminders:

  • Continue to wash and sanitize your hands
  • Continue to maintain social distancing of 6ft or more (two arm lengths)
  • Continue to try to not be small spaces without a mask for more than 15 minutes and make sure you have sufficient fresh air flow
  • Continue to wear a face covering - this includes over your nose and mouth
  • Stay home when you do not feel well or have symptoms.
  • And if you are returning from an extended absence, please make sure you checked in with the NURSE FIRST before returning to classes.

If you need ANYTHING, please reach out:

  • NMS Office:
    • Carlene Brandmeier,
    • Kari Raaflaub,
  • Counselors:
    • Erika Kaufman,
    • Molly Stonesifer,
  • Free Meals Info:
    • Jody Botten,
  • Chromebooks or Library Books:
    • Barb Knoll,

COVID Testing Info:

Any Wisconsin resident over the age of 5 experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is welcome at these sites. Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms here. Each site may have different requirements. Some sites may ask you to stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors. Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive. Click here for a map displaying current testing sites in Wisconsin. This map will be updated daily. Additional information on this free testing:

  • Turnaround time for test results is typically 24-48 hours. During this time, it is important that you avoid contact with others
  • This is a nasal swab test
  • Testing is free of charge

World Diabetes Day

On November 14, join NMS students and staff as we wear Blue to support our students, staff, and loved ones who live with diabetes. This is an annual event coordinated by local parents of students and family members with diabetes. Every 8 seconds someone dies from diabetes. 1 in 2 people with diabetes remain undiagnosed and the number of people with diabetes is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030 according to the International Diabetes Federation. See more information about World Diabetes Day at

Our NMS Daily Reminder...

At NMS we don’t expect everyone or anyone to be Perfect.BUT...we do expect that we are
Respectful to each other, Responsible, and Ready. And, that we remember to be Kind..
Obviously we know everyone is facing their own struggle today, and we hope we are all part of the solution and not the problem here at NMS.


3 Election Day
4 Last Day of Quarter 1 - Please check Skyward for grades, missing assignments, etc.
9 School Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m., NHS Auditorium or via Facebook Live
11 Veterans Day - Thank you to all of our Veterans!
23-27 No School - Thanksgiving Break
27 Native American Heritage Day

We want to give a warm NMS Welcome Back Home to Mr. Ketola, who’s back on campus today returning from his military service. Welcome back, sir!


NHS Sports Recap Of The Week

October 26, 2020


Varsity football won Friday night against Spooner, 28-0, to move to 4-1 on the season.  Werner, Trautt, and Ohman combined for the four touchdowns.  

Cross Country

The Northwestern Boys Cross Country Team is headed to state!  The Tiger boys battled in Barron on Saturday and finished second, securing their spot in the state race.  Top runners were:  Emmett Johnson, 5th; Bennett Nelson 10th; Jacob Kephart 23rd; Ryan Wick 25th; Cole Lahti 26th; Preston Brilla 31st; and Ian Kalin 33rd.  Freshman phenom Shayna Wick also competed on Saturday and ran a personal best race finishing 14th overall.   The Tigers head to Colby on Saturday for the D2 state meet.  Congrats, Tigers. 


The volleyball team defeated Barron 26-24, 25-22, 21-25, 25-21 to claim their first Regional Championship since 2006. Brynn Erickson led with 12 kills and 27 digs, Allison Luoma had 11 kills and 17 digs, Kayla Paulsen had 10 kills and 22 digs, Brynn Hessel had 8 kills and 12 digs, and Brinley Tonn had 37 assists and 10 digs. The team travels to St. Croix Falls on Thursday for the Sectional Semi-Finals.


Upcoming Events

THURSDAY:  Volleyball @ St. Croix Falls

FRIDAY:  Football @ Barron

SATURDAY:  Cross Country @ Colby

10/12/2020 School Board Agenda

October 08, 2020

School District of Maple
NHS Auditorium at Northwestern High School
Monday, October 12, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.  

  1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Report on how the public was notified. 
  3. Approval of the October 12, 2020 agenda.
  4. Consent Agenda:  
    1. September 21, 2020 regular board meeting minutes.  
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices. 
    4. Resignation(s)/Employment/Retirement 
  5. Approval Items:   
    1. Mike Goodlet, Choir Director – Planning for the Choir Tour – 2022.
    2. Request for a Foster Family Child(ren) Placed to Attend Northwestern Elementary School (NES).  
    3. Start College Now/Early College Credit Program for Spring 2021. 
    4. 2019-20 Budget Revisions.  
    5. 2020-21 Tax Levy and Budget.   
    6. COVID-19 Classroom Plan Revisions for NES.
    7. Non-School Groups Using District Facilities – November 30, 2020.  
    8. Substitute Teacher Recruitment Plan and Wage Increase.    
  6. Administrative report:
    1. Communications
    2. Short-Term Borrowing Report on Bids 
    3. Open Enrollment Report  
    4. Pupil Count (September 18, 2020) 
    5. District Maintenance Update   
    6. Donation(s)   
    7. WASB correspondence and legislative report 
    8. CESA #12 report   
    9. Student, Staff, Community Recognition:
    10. Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern High School Athletics and Activities, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, and Student Board Representatives.
  7. Comments from the audience.
  8. Adjournment. 

NMS Tiger Tales - October 2020

October 04, 2020

Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Our NMS Mission

Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encourages the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Our NMS Students ROCK!

We simply could not be more proud of our NMS students.  Seriously.  We cannot say it enough.  They are respectful, responsible, and ready for whatever is being put before them and it is a JOY to work with them.  They meet challenges with readiness and perseverance, and continue to AMAZE us with their diligence to keeping themselves and others safe. Even better...they do it in a manner and fashion that is commendable.  Our staff are so proud of them!

Meal Distribution Update

Starting Wednesday, September 30
2:00 p.m. & 3:30 p.m.
Our NMS Safety and Hygiene Reminders:

  • Continue to wash and sanitize your hands.
  • Continue to maintain social distancing of 6ft or more (two arm lengths).
  • Continue to try to not be small spaces without a mask for more than 15 minutes and make sure you have sufficient fresh air flow.
  • Continue to wear a face covering.
  • Stay home when you do not feel well or have symptoms.

Time to Sign Up for NMS Drama

If you are interested in signing up for NMS Drama, the sign-up sheet is on the stool by Room #72.   Please take a copy of the letter and permission form too.  This year’s theme is “Old Radio Shows.”  If you are a person who doesn’t like to act, we are in need of people to help with sound effects.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Honkanen, or 715-364-2218 #1415.

Cohorts to Four Days or Online

Beginning on Monday, October 5 students and families will have the choice to attend school for four days a week coming on MT and ThF, but remaining virtual on Wednesdays.  The other option will be to do school virtually M-F.   The two day a week cohort option will officially be over on that Monday, October 5. Please contact the office if you have questions.

Water Bottles for ALL

Thank you to Kristin Clemmer, our school RN, for entering a statewide drawing where every time the Green Bay Packers get a sack against an opposing team Delta Dental draws one school and the entire school wins a water bottle for everyone!  NMS WON!! How cool is that?  Thanks, Kristin!


The Wisconsin School Immunization Law requires all students to be compliant with the Wisconsin Immunization Law by the 30th day of school which is October 13th, 2020. Parents of students who are not compliant at this time have been notified by mail. To remain compliant with the law, please provide your students immunization record or sign a waiver on the Student Immunization Record that was sent home by the 30th day of school.  Thank you for your cooperation. ~ The school nurse, Kristin Clemmer

If you need ANYTHING, please reach out:

NMS Office:

Carlene Brandmeier,
Kari Raaflaub,


Erika Kaufman,
Molly Stonesifer,

Free Meals Info:

Jody Botten,

Chromebooks or Library Books:

Barb Knoll,

COVID Testing Info:

Any Wisconsin resident over the age of 5 experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is welcome at these sites. Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms here.

Each site may have different requirements. Some sites may ask you to stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors. Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive. Click here for a map displaying current testing sites in Wisconsin. This map will be updated daily. Additional information on this free testing:
Turnaround time for test results is typically 24-48 hours. During this time, it is important that you avoid contact with others
This is a nasal swab test
Testing is free of charge

Our NMS Daily Reminder…

At NMS we don’t expect everyone or anyone to be Perfect.BUT...we do expect that we are Respectful to each other, Responsible, and Ready. 

And, that we remember to be Kind..
Obviously we know everyone is facing their own struggle today, and we hope we are all part of the solution and not the problem here at NMS.

NMS Activities OCTOBER 
*Subject to Change

5     Students return MT and ThF on campus; Wednesdays virtual

7    NMS Conferences, 4:00-7:30 p.m.  - By appointment, virtual this year.  
    More info coming.

9    Progress Reports Go Home with Students

12    Girls Basketball Game - 4:00 pm
Board Meeting, 5:00pm, NHS Auditorium
15    Girls Basketball Game - 6:00 pm

20    Girls Basketball Game - (during school)

30    Fall Fest...A very modified version is being considered by staff and we will share that info when we have reached that determination. Stay tuned.

Attending Co-Curricular Events

September 16, 2020


At this time, the School District of Maple will be allowing spectators at co-curricular events hosted by the school during the 2020-21 school year. With the COVID 19 Pandemic, we will have expectations of adult & student spectators at these events in order to help mitigate the spread of the virus so we can continue and maintain educational and co-curricular activities.

  1. Commit to social distancing (6’) at indoor and outdoor events. 
  2. Families should be seated together, socially distanced from others.
  3. PK- 5 Students must sit with a parent/family member.
  4. High school students can be seated in the student section, socially distanced.
  5. People should NOT attend an event if they:
    1. Tested Positive for Covid 19 in the last 14 days.
    2. Have been identified as a close contact to a person with Covid 19 in the last 14 days.
    3. Experiencing Covid 19 symptoms: Fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  6. All spectators are strongly encouraged to wear masks outdoors.
  7. At this time, masks are required inside.
  8. Please make use of the hand sanitizer that will be provided.
  9. There will be no concessions available either indoors or outdoors.
  10. At the conclusion of an event, spectators should immediately exit the facility.
  11. These protocols must be followed for us to continue to host events with spectators. An increase in positive cases will lead to the possible cancellation of events.

8/17/2020 School Board Agenda

August 12, 2020

School District of Maple
NHS Auditorium at Northwestern High School
Monday, August 17, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. 

A G E N D A 

  1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Report on how the public was notified. 
  3. Approval of the August 17, 2020 agenda.
  4. Consent Agenda:  
    1. July 20, 2020 regular board meeting minutes.
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices. 
    4.  Resignation(s)/Employment/Leave of Absence
  5. Approval Items:  
    1. Mr. Hessel, Head Varsity Volleyball Coach, at the July meeting requested that the volleyball team attend a two-day volleyball tournament in Onalaska on August 26-27, 2020, tabled until the August 17 meeting. (This tournament has been cancelled.)
    2. Requests for Interdistrict Transfer
    3. Request to Provide Transportation for Interdistrict Transfer Student
    4. Opening of School for 2020-21 
      1. There will be a period for public comment on this specific agenda item.  Comments from the public will follow the same rules as the public comment section for school board meetings typically held at the conclusion of the meeting.
    5. 2020-21 Staffing at the Iron River Elementary School
    6. 2020-21 Handbooks
    7. Revision to the 2020-21 Employee Handbook – Protocols During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    8. August 4, 2020 Policy Committee Report and Recommendations
      1. No. 2266 – Title IX 
    9. Policies:
      1. New – 2nd Reading
        1. No. 2261.03 – District and School Report Card
        2. No. 2370 – Educational Options Provided by the District 
        3. No. 6630 – Cash Handling and Deposits
        4. No. 2266 – Title IX (Per new federal law)
      2. Revision:
        1.  No. 8146 – Notification of Educational Options
        2. Homeless Education – Tanya Krieg, ESSA Coordinator as Homeless Coordinator
    10. Set September Regular Board Meeting from September 14 to September 21
  6. Administrative Report:
    1. Communications Received
    2. Seclusion and Restraint Report 
    3. Board Retreat – Date TBD
    4. Budget Report – Savings from Spring 2020
    5. Budget Hearing/Annual Meeting Format – September 28, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
    6. Maintenance Update 
    7. WASB Correspondence and Legislative Update
    8. CESA #12 
    9. Donation(s)
    10. Student, staff, and community recognition 
  7. Comments from the audience. 
  8. Adjournment.

NMS Tiger Tales - June 2020

June 09, 2020

Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Our NMS Mission

Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encourages the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

NMS Students and Families,

To be quite honest, I think we somewhat avoided writing this last Tiger Tales.  It meant this was really the way we were going to have to finish our year(s) together.  However, we are confident that when the time allows we will be able to come together, celebrate, and highlight the many achievements you all have achieved this year, and for that we are most grateful. We are also EXTREMELY proud of how hard our students are working, and how hard our staff are working.  NMS PROUD!  Please keep up the good work and finish strong.

~ Ms. Kreig, NMS Principal

End of Year Videos for ALL Students from Teachers and Staff:

Teachers and staff are busy right now creating their End of the Year Videos for their classes.  They will be sending those copies home to each one of their students via email.  Enjoy.  A lot of heart and soul went into creating them.

End of Year Voice Recordings for 8th Graders: 8th Graders are receiving a personal voice recording from me and will find those in their email inboxes as well.

NMS Parade: Please stay in your vehicles and join us for one last wave good-bye for the summer!

Thursday, June 4, 10:00 a.m.
Iron River Elementary School
Must stay in vehicles...Wave, honk, yell, decorate your vehicle if you want!
Friday, June 5, 12:00 p.m.
NES and NMS Schools
You can also DROP ITEMS off that need to be RETURNED.
Must stay in vehicles...Wave, honk, yell, decorate your vehicle if you want!
Needed Items: If students still believe they have items they need to get from school, please email us. Items will be collected, bagged, labeled, and available outside the school on the prearranged date and time.

Returning Materials:

ALL TEXTBOOKS need to be returned to campus.  Please return items by either method:
Drop off at NMS during the PARADE on Friday, June 5 at 12:00 p.m.  There will be bins outside to set them in.
Drop off at NMS on Monday, June 8, 15, or 22 between 7:30-4:00 p.m.  Drop items off outside the door.  If raining, the atrium will be open.
Pick up:  Please contact Kari Raaflaub at or 715-364-2218 #1401 to arrange a day and time if you need TEXTBOOKS picked up by the buses.  Pick up will be on Mondays (June 8, 15, 22) and Thursdays (June 11, 18, 25).

Chromebooks:  Chromebooks may remain checked out for the summer for students who need them.  Please remember that you have signed a contract for these.

Summer School Info:

An email regarding summer school information was sent out.  If you need an additional copy, please let us know.


YES! We will still have yearbooks!  Contact Sherri Anderson with questions at .

NMS FACT Team Members Recognized at the State Level:

Luke Witkowski, from the WI DHS, sent an email to let us know how impressed he has been with the amount and quality of work from the NMS FACT group. He noted that the group started from scratch in November, yet  helped establish an excellent group of young people and exposed them to many advocacy opportunities in such a short amount of time.  Way to go, Tigers!
FACT members Jay Kaufman and Riley Eberhardt met with State Representative Beth Meyer to share about what our FACT group has been doing this year.

Encore Team Honor Walk for NHS Graduates of the Class of 2020:

Thank you to all of our participants of the Honor Walk.  A special congrats to Brock Breezee and staff member Linnea Moss who won the prize baskets!


If you need ANYTHING, please reach out:

NMS Office:
Carlene Brandmeier,
Kari Raaflaub,

Erika Kaufman,
Molly Stonesifer,

Free Meals (and delivery if needed) for ANY Child through JUNE:
Jody Botten,

Chromebooks or Library Books:
Barb Knoll,

COVID Testing Info:

Any Wisconsin resident over the age of 5 experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is welcome at these sites. Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms here.
Each site may have different requirements. Some sites may ask you to stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors. Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive.

Click here for a map displaying current testing sites in Wisconsin. This map will be updated daily. 
Additional information on this free testing:
Turnaround time for test results is typically 24-48 hours. During this time, it is important that you avoid contact with others
This is a nasal swab test
Testing is free of charge

In Conclusion

It has been our honor and joy to work with each and everyone of you this year even in the toughest of situations.  We are a STRONG, unified team of TIGERS and the care, concern, and compassion our school community is known for resonated loud and proud these past few months.  Many of us are around and available all summer, so if you need ANYTHING just reach out and consider it done.


6/8/2020 Board Meeting Agenda

June 04, 2020

School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School
Room 2270 (Entrance E)
Monday, June 8, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.


  1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Report on how the public was notified.
  3. Approval of the June 8, 2020 agenda.
  4. Consent Agenda:
    1. May 11, 2020 regular board meeting minutes.
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices.
    4. Retirement/Resignations/Employment.
  5. Approval Items:
    1. Resolution to Borrow - Security State Bank for Short-Term Note
    2. Health Insurance Increase
    3. Revision of the 2020-21 Teacher/School Calendar
    4. 2020-21 Board Goals
  6. Discussion on Potential Contingency Plans for Reopening in Fall
  7. Administrative report:
    1. Communications
    2. Board Committee Assignments
    3. Maintenance Report
    4. CESA #12 Convention – Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 6:00 p.m., Ashland, WI
    5. CESA #12 Report
    6. WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
    7. Donation(s)
    8. Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary School, Director of Special Education, and Athletic Director - enclosed with Board packets.
    9. Student, staff, and community recognition:
  8. Comments from the audience.
  9. Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e) and (f). Included under these items are a revision to post-employment benefits to an administrative contract and the district administrator evaluation/report on district goals.
  10. Adjournment.


NMS Tiger Tales - April 2020

April 16, 2020

Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Our NMS Mission

Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encourages the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Way to Go NMS Forensics Team!

Participants attended Level II Forensic competition in Eau Claire prior to the closure, and ROCKED IT!   Thank you to our awesome coaches for an amazing season, Mr. Ward and Mrs. Honkanen!

NMS 2019-20 Forensics Team
6th Grade

  • Hailey Gilderman
  • Maddie Powers
  • Malerie Yadon        

7th Grade

  • Tebogo Anderson        
  • Francesca Germano        
  • Joshua Hanson                                
  • Eve Kriske                    
  • Lili Lane                
  • Kaylie Thomas             

8th Grade

  • Jay Kaufman            
  • Josie Kreuser

Check Out What Two NMS Students Have to Say!

Marissa Yadon and  Larissa Sislo took up the challenge to write a letter to the editor regarding smoking in entertainment geared towards teens.  Check out their letter here:

NMS FACT Club Shines in the Telegram NMS Gratitude To

Additional NMS Gratitude To

Our amazing community for standing together during this difficult time.  

NMS Shout Outs To

A warm welcome to Kassandra Rood, who is our new student teacher from UMD. She will be working with Mr. Buran in ELA 7 and 8.

And...Another GREAT NMS Article in the Telegram   Check it out…

Additional NMS Info for Families:

NMS Wrestling

The Tiger wrestlers competed in Barron prior to school closure. The team had 18 wins and 13 losses.  The Tigers scored 72 points on 36 takedowns while only giving up 24 takedowns from opponents.  Trevy Amundson and Caleb Wakefield lead the team with 5 takedowns each followed by Braedon Gross, Bryce Ronchi, and Logan Jones who had 4 takedowns. 

NMS Dance

We held our NMS Dance and Fun Night prior to the closure, and it was GREAT! Thank you, Mr. Lawton and Mr. Olson for coordinating and all the staff who stayed after to supervise.

NMS Student Staff Game

Our Student/Staff Basketball Game was held on Friday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m. Thank you, Miss Schuster for coordinating and all the students and staff who participated!  The staff took it this year (TWICE!)


YES! We will still have yearbooks!  An email went out, but more details will be coming. Thank you for your patience.  Stay tuned.

Additional Support and Resources

If you need ANYTHING or just someone to connect with, please reach out.

  • NMS Office:
    • Carlene Brandmeier,
    • Kari Raaflaub,
  • Counselors:
    • Erika Kaufman,
    • Molly Stonesifer,
  • Free Meals (and delivery if needed) for ANY Child:
    • Jody Botten,
  • Chromebooks or Library Books:
    • Barb Knoll,


15    4K Registration Night, Contact NES for Information TBD, 715-364-845

16    NMS Parents Group Meeting, 3:30-4:00 p.m., VIA PHONE
        Contact Becky Landwehr,

  • Can't make it due to schedules or other obligations?        
  • No worries!
  • Just DIAL in: 712-775-7031 (ENTER MEETING ID 555-984-859)

20    Be the Light, NHS Football Field, 8:20 pm - Please remain in your cars, but HONK that horn!

27    Be the Light, NHS Football Field, 8:20 pm - Please remain in your cars, but HONK that horn!


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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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