A new home shell, one story, 24' x 36' with two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, utility room, and one full bathroom framed in, will be sold to the highest bidder over a minimum of $43,500. The house is located at Northwestern High School, in Maple, WI. The features of this home are as follows:
- LPI 20 Series, 9/1/2” I-Joists floor framing with LP Legacy floor sheathing
- 2x6 exterior wall construction
- Engineered roof truss system with 1’ heel height - 6/12 pitch
- 5/8” OSB used on the roof sheathing
- 7/16” OSB used on wall sheathing with Tyvek house wrap
- Great room ceiling is vaulted - 3/12 vaulted interior
- LP Smart Siding, Diamond Kote (Glacier Fog with Coffee trim)
- Rollex brand aluminum soffits and fascia (Mocha)
- Insulated Marvin Elevate windows, Low E with Argon, with screens throughout (Almond Frost) with bare pine interior
- Matching Marvin Elevate sliding french door
- Bayer Built insulated entry door, aluminum clad jambs
- Roof shingled with Certainteed Landmark Architectural shingles and ridge vent (Burnt Sienna)
Bids requested on a new home according to the instructions below:
- This house is being sold as a shell. The interior of the building is framed in, but plumbing, finished flooring, sheetrock, insulation, etc. has not been completed. The house is wired for switches, outlets, and breaker panel. However, it does not include breakers and lighting fixtures. The house is open for inspection by appointment only, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. prior to April 14, 2025. Contact the District Office @ 715-363-2431 to make an appointment.
- A certified check in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bid price and a letter from a financial institution stating that the bidder has been pre-approved for their bid dollar amount must accompany the bid. If, after submitting the bid on the house, the successful bidder decides not to purchase the house, the ten (10) percent bid bond will be forfeited. The house must be paid for in full before removal from the school district premises. Removal must be no later than August 15, 2025. It is recommended that bidders have their plans for site development finalized prior to submitting a bid.
- The Maple School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "House Bid" addressed to the Board of Education, School District of Maple, P.O. BOX 188, Maple, WI 54854.
- Bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2025. Bids received will be presented to the School Board at their regular meeting scheduled for Monday, April 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
- Click here for the posting PDF with pictures
Monday, February 10, 2025
School District of Maple
- Call to order and roll call
- Report on public notification
- Staffing, salaries, wages and fringe benefits
- Employee contributions for health insurance
- Administrative Contracts 2025-26
- Adjournment
School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School, Room 2270
Monday, February 10, 2025 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comments during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the February 10, 2025 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- January 13, 2025 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions and the January 30, 2025 special closed meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation/Retirement/Employment
- Approval Items:
- Request from Jenny Forsythe, DECA Advisor and 9 students to attend the overnight State Career Development Conference in Lake Geneva, WI on February 24-26, 2025 and to begin planning, if they qualify, for the International Competition in April 2025 in Orlando, Florida.
- Request from Ryan Teal, Varsity Baseball Coach to compete in the High School Baseball Challenge Tournament at the Woodside Sports Complex in Wisconsin Dells on April 4-5, 2025. The request includes the District paying the entry fee and transportation.
- Building Construction House Bid Sheet
- Early College Credit Program Applications – Summer 2025
- Policy Revisions - Special Update - Second Read
- 4440 - Job-Related Expenses
- 6110 - Grant Funds
- 6111 - Internal Controls
- 6112 - Cash Management of Grants
- 6114 - Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
- 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
- 7310 - Disposition of Personal Property
- 5430 - Class Rank
- Administrative Report:
- Northwestern High School Cell Phone Policy
- Communications
- January 10, 2025 Pupil Count
- Maintenance update
- Donation(s)
- Bus Drivers/Mechanics Appreciation Day – February 12, 2025
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education, Guidance Counselors quarterly report and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration to move to an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included are employee contributions for health insurance 2025-26 and Administrative Contracts.
- Adjournment.
NHS Activities Monthly Round-up: January 2025
Band members have begun working on concert selections for the Spring Concert. Before the Spring Concert, the concert band will perform for a panel of judges at the WSMA Instrumental Concert Festival on Thursday, February 20 (hosted by NHS). Recently, the NHS Sports Band performed for back to back basketball games. The NHS Pep Band will be performing at basketball games a few more times this season. Lastly, members of the pit band have been rehearsing before school to prepare for the upcoming musical, The Wizard of Oz (
Concert Choir is busy preparing music for the Spring Concert on Monday, March 3rd, and for Choir Contest on Thursday, March 2nd. All small groups are busy preparing music for the District Solo and Ensemble event at Ashland on Saturday, March 22nd.
Congratulations to all of the DECA students who competed at UW-Stout at the DECA District Career Development Conference! Special shout outs to the following:
-Event Medalists: Isaac Pooler, Lauren Wiita, Aden Hubbard, and Wilson Isaksen
-Event Finalists: Doris Ewald, Cameran Jonasen, Ellie Peterson, and Ashlyn Sutherland
-3rd Place Finish: Jaylynne Lawler and Sophie Navarro
Next step is the State Career Development Conference down in Lake Geneva at the end of February.
The cast, crew, and band are hard at work in the land of Oz. The sounds of powertools, singing, and dogs barking fill the air during rehearsals. Tickets are on sale for both the Saturday, February 15th show (7:30pm) and the Sunday, February 16th show (2:00pm). Tickets can be purchased online:
Welcome to 2nd semester of FCA! On Friday, Jan. 31, Tim Gunderson from Eau Claire, will be leading our Huddle and talking about FCA Leadership and Sport Camps in our area. Please contact Morgan Martens, Ashlyn Sutherland, Addison Hanson, Reagan Eberhardt or Payton Orme for more information. We meet every Friday morning at 7:30 in Room 3058.
NES Mentors
Thank you to all the NHS students who have made a commitment to the NES Mentor program. We have a great group making a difference in the life of an NES student. Our 3 C’s for this year are Commitment, Communication and Consistency. Thank you for making a commitment, thank you for communicating with your cooperating teacher at NES and thank you for being consistent. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Vik in Room 3055 or send an email to Mrs. Hietala.
SADD and FACT (Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco) are combining efforts at NHS.
Trap Club
Registration will begin on February 4th. Don’t wait as space is limited. See Mrs. Wick in room 2051 with questions.
School District of Maple
District Conference Room 2270 – Northwestern High School
Thursday, January 30, 2025 – 5:00 p.m.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- The agenda was posted throughout the district according to school board policy and posted on the District webpage.
- Approval of the January 30, 2025 Special Meeting Agenda.
- Consideration to move to an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included is employee staffing, salaries, wages and fringe benefits.
- Administrative Contracts for 2025-26
- Middle Management Contracts for 2025-26
- Adjournment.
School District of Maple
January 13, 2025 – 4:30 p.m.
District Office Conference Room
- Call to order and roll call
- Report on public notification
- Addition of new class at NHS
- Revisions to the course book at NHS
- Adjournment
School District of Maple
School District of Maple
Monday, January 13, 2025
- Call to order and roll call
- Report on public notification
- Staffing, salaries, wages and fringe benefits
- Iron River Elementary School - Kindergarten
- Personnel discussion
- Administrative Contracts 2025-26
- Adjournment
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 at Northwestern High School
Monday, January 13, 2025 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comments during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance
- Report on how the public was notified
- Approval of the January 13, 2025 agenda open and executive sessions
- Consent Agenda:
- December 9, 2024 regular board meeting minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Payment of Invoices
- Resignation(s)/Employment/Retirement
- Approval Items:
- FFA Trip to Stevens Point January 17-18, 2025
- Open Enrollment Policy - Space Availability
- Recommendations from the Curriculum Committee Meeting
- Addition of new course at NHS
- Proposed revisions to NHS Course Description Book
- 2025-26 Teacher Calendar
- Report on Cell Phone Survey at NHS
- Policy Revisions - Special Update - First Read
- 4440 - Job-Related Expenses
- 6110 - Grant Funds
- 6111 - Internal Controls
- 6112 - Cash Management of Grants
- 6114 - Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds
- 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
- 7310 - Disposition of Personal Property
- 5430 - Class Rank
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- School Board Verification of Election and Drawing of Ballot Order
- Liability and Property/Casualty Insurance
- Maintenance Update
- Donations
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern High School, Athletics and Activities Director, Director of Special Education and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition
- Comments from the audience
- Consideration to move to an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included is employee staffing, salaries, wages and fringe benefits.
- Adjournment
NHS Activities Monthly Round-up: December 2024
The bands were a part of two successful winter performances: The 2024 Winter Band Concert and the Java Jive. The Concert Band performed with the middle school bands on the Monday, December 16, 2024 Winter Band Concert (7:30 PM). The Jazz Band will join Vocal Jazz for a weekday Java Jive on Wednesday, December 18 (1:20 PM). Next up will be the Alumni Pep Band on Friday, January 3 as well as starting to prepare for the Spring Concert.
Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Vocal Jazz, Wolf Pack, and Satis Stella just performed for the Winter Concert (Mon. 12/9). Vocal Jazz also just performed at the Java Jive Concert (Wed. 12/18 at 1:20pm). All small groups loved going to the Tour of Schools events to share music with the middle schoolers and the elementary students!
We’re prepping for the District Career Development Conference in January! If anyone is interested in helping to judge at UW-Stout on January 11th, here’s the link:
The cast and crew gave their public performance at The Night of One Acts on November 21. The cast and crew had the audience in stitches and gave a great show. Many of the cast and crew members are now working on this year's musical which will be performed in February. The directors wish to thank the cast and crew of this year's one-act troupe for their hard work and dedication for a wonderful season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the NHS Huddle of FCA. Everyone is welcome and you do not have to be an athlete. Our leaders for this year are Addison Hanson, Ashlyn Sutherland, Payton Orme, Reagan Eberhardt and Morgan Martens. We meet every Friday morning at 7:30 am in Room 3058. This is a student led organization so if you have questions, please see any of the above mentioned students.
NES Mentors
Thank you to all the NHS students who have made a commitment to the NES Mentor program. We have a great group making a difference in the life of an NES student. Our 3 C’s for this year are Commitment, Communication and Consistency. Thank you for making a commitment, thank you for communicating with your cooperating teacher at NES and thank you for being consistent. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Vik in Room 3055 or send an email to Mrs. Hietala.
SADD and FACT (Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco) are combining efforts at NHS. We want to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and safe New Year.
Maple, Wisconsin 54854
The Clerk (or designee) of the Board of Education, School District of Maple, Douglas County, State of Wisconsin and two reputable citizens will meet on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the District Conference Room #2700 at Northwestern
High School, Maple, WI for the verification of candidates and the drawing of the ballot order for the April 1, 2025 school board election. The meeting is open to the public.
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