2022 NHS Commencement
Congratulations to the Northwestern High School Class of 2022! The entire ceremony can be viewed on the School District of Maple YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/hux916XGoZ0
This year's commencement speakers were Jesse Larson and Lauryn Swanson. The guest speaker was NMS & NHS art teacher, Allison Melde.
2022 WIAA State Track Meet
Congrats to to Northwestern High School track athletes CJ Thompson, Monte Mayberry, Cam Benesch, & Greg Ohman for qualifying for the WIAA State Track Meet.
Cam Benesch will compete in the pole vault, Monte Mayberry in the high jump, CJ Thompson in the 110 and 300 hurdles, and Greg Ohman in the discus.
Bids requested on a new home according to the instructions below:
A new home shell, one story, 24' x 36' with two bedrooms, kitchen, living room/great room, dining room, utility room, and one full bathroom framed in, will be sold to the high bidder over a minimum of $53,000 The house is located at Northwestern High School, Maple, WI.
Following are the features of this home:
- I Joist floor framing with LP High Performance Sheathing.
- 2x6 exterior wall construction.
- Engineered roof truss system with 1’ heel height.
- 5/8” OSB used on the roof sheathing.
- 7/16” OSB used on wall sheathing.
- Great Room ceiling is vaulted.
- Pre-finished hewn half log siding from Lake States Lumber.
- Aluminum soffits and fascia (Rollex brand).
- High performance insulated Marvin Integrity clad windows, Northern Low E and Argon-Filled, with screens throughout.
- Matching Marvin Ultimate Sliding French door.
- Bayer Built insulated steel entry door, metal clad jambs.
- Roof shingled with CertainTeed Landmark 30, 250# asphalt shingles – Hunter Green.
This house is being sold as a shell. The interior of the building is framed in, but plumbing, finished flooring, sheet rock, insulation, etc. has not been completed.
The house is wired including switches, outlets and breaker panel. However, it does not include breakers and lighting fixtures.
This house is open for inspection by appointment only, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. prior to June 13, 2022, contact Penny Lavin, Administrative Assistant in the District Office @ 715-363-0159 to make an appointment.
A certified check in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bid price and a letter from a financial institution stating that the bidder has been pre-approved for their bid dollar amount must accompany the bid. If, after submitting the bid on the house, the successful bidder decides not to purchase the house, the ten (10) percent bid bond will be forfeited. The house must be paid for in full before removal from the school district premises. Removal must be no later than August 1, 2022. It is recommended that bidders have their plans for site development finalized prior to submitting a bid.
The Maple School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids must be contained in a sealed envelope marked "House Bid" addressed to the District Administrator, School District of Maple, P.O. BOX 188, Maple, WI 54854.
Bids will be presented to the School Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022.
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 - Northwestern High School
Monday, May 9, 2022 – 4:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order and roll call: Mr. Landwehr, Ms. Saari, Mr. Granlund, Mrs. Livingston-Matherly, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Olson and Mr. Glonek. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
- The agenda was posted throughout the district according to school board policy, published as a legal ad in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage. A meeting notice was sent to WNXR for announcement and The Connection for publication.
- Approval of the agenda.
- Election of officers: the Clerk, Gail Saari, shall preside until the President is elected. The President will conduct the election of the remaining officers. Officers to be elected:
- Election of President
- Election of Vice President
- Election of Clerk
- Election of Treasurer
- Appointment of CESA #12 representative to serve on the Board of Control
- Appointment of the WASB Correspondent
- Appointment of board committees
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included under these items is a discussion on staffing needs for 2022-23, compensation for teachers on top of the salary schedule and the employee health benefit for 2022-23.
Reconvene to open session at 5:00 p.m.
- Consent Agenda:
- April 11, 2022 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirement
- Approval Items:
- Authorization of electronic signature block.
- Sealed Bid Opening for the Building Construction House.
- Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor and FFA request for 4-8 members to attend the 93rd Wisconsin State FFA Convention in Madison, Wisconsin from June 13-16, 2022.
- Eliminating Online Classroom Streaming for 2022-23 in Grades K-5.
- Employee Health Insurance Benefit Increase in Premium for 2022-23.
- Compensation for Instructional Staff at the Top of the Pay Schedule.
- Administrative report:
- Communications Received
- Graduation for May 27, 2022; Two Board Members to Participate
- CESA #12 Convention – Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - Ashland, WI
- Maintenance Report
- WASB legislative and correspondence report
- CESA #12 report
- Donation(s)
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and the Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Student Representatives.
- Staff, student, community recognition
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
NMS/NHS 2022-23 Sports Registration Open
Athletic registration is now open for the 2022-23 school year! If your student is interested in participating in a sport or activity next school year please go to our athletic website
(click here) and log into your family account or if you are new please create an account.
If you have any question or concerns please contact Stacy Pooler in the high school office (spooler@nw-tigers.org)
Summer time is a great time to schedule appointments if your student needs an updated physical!
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 - Northwestern High School
Monday, April 11, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the April 11, 2022 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- March 21, 2022 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirements
- Report from Mr. Goodlet-Meijer on State Forensics Competition, held at UW-Madison, April 8-9. 2022.
- Approval Items:
- Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor request for FFA students to attend the overnight state competition in Madison, WI on April 28-29, 2022 if students qualify at their regional competition on Saturday, April 2, 2022 in River Falls. FFA will receive notification on April 7, 2022.
- Board Goals for 2022-23.
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- Tiger’s Den Report for January 1-December 30, 2022
- School Board Election Results
- Maintenance Update
- Donation(s)
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA #12 report
- Student, Staff, and Community Recognition
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education and Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator are enclosed with Board packets.
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included under these items are discussions on employee personal leave and compensation for all employee groups for 2022-23.
Reconvene to open session at 6:15 p.m.
- Additional approval Items:
- Personal Leave Days for 2022-23
- Building Leadership Team Compensation
- Teacher Contracts for 2022-23
- Compensation for All Other Groups – 2022-23
- Adjournment.
Nominations for Support Staff and Teacher of the Year
Nominations are being accepted for the School District of Maple’s “Support Staff of the Year” and “Teacher of the Year” for 2021-22 from interested staff and community members. There are many fine employees who serve children as classroom teachers and in positions other than classroom teaching that are very important to the operation of an effective school district.
If you would like to nominate a teacher or support staff member for consideration to receive one of these awards, nomination forms are available below or may be picked up in the District Office at Northwestern High School. We thank you for helping us recognize staff members for their contributions to the entire school program.
Community nominations are due to the District Office by April 29, 2022.
- 2022 Community Member Support Staff of the Year Nomination Form
- 2022 Community Member Teacher of the Year Nomination Form
Summer School 2022!
The School District of Maple is pleased to announce that Summer School courses will once again be offered during the summer.
We have many exciting course options for students of all ages.
Please see the following two documents:
- 2022 Summer School Info for Students and Families (pdf)
- This is this Summer Activity Info with course descriptions
- 2022 Summer School Enrollment Slide Show (pdf)
- This is a guide as to how to use Arena Scheduling – the only way to sign up for summer school.
Reminder: It is first come, first serve so please sign up early.
Any problems, please email kraaflaub@nw-tigers.org call 715-364-2218 #1401.
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School District Conference Room, #2270
Monday, March 21, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comments during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the March 21, 2022 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- Approval of the February 14, 2021 regular board meeting minutes and the February 28, 2022 special meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Retirements/Employment
- Approval Items:
- Request from Allison Melde and the Visual Arts Classic Team to attend the overnight State VAC Competition March 31-April 1, 2022 at UW- Madison if they qualify at the Regional Competition on March 25, 2022.
- Start College Now/Early College Credit Program for Fall 2022
- Technical Excellence Scholarship Recommendation
- WIAA Cooperative Team Renewals:
- Boys Hockey (Washburn, Ashland, Hurley, and Northwestern)
- Girls Hockey (Superior, Northwestern)
- Boys Swim & Dive (Superior, Northwestern)
- Girls Gymnastics (Superior, Northwestern)
- CESA 12 Shared Services Contract for 2022-23
- Advertising for the Building Construction House Bids
- 2022 Summer School Offerings
- Online Learning Criteria for 2022-23, Grades 6-12
- Administrative report:
- Communications
- Yellow Flashing Warning Lights on Highway 2 – Poplar
- Canvass notice and ballot for the April 5, 2022 school board election.
- Maintenance Update
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA 12 report
- Donation(s)
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education, and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Richard I Bong Veterans Historical Center Writing Contest: “What changes to our lives and freedoms were generated by the attacks on September 11th , 2001? How do the events of that day continue to affect even those, like you, who may have no memory of it?”
- First Place Sixth Grade Division: Lauren Zifko. Runners-up/Honorable Mention: Elijah Kroeplin, Finley Peterson, A.J. Ketola
- Syndi Madison, Gr. 8 – Qualified for the Junior Olympics for Alpine Skiing
- NWMA High School All Conference Honor Band, UMD High School Honor Band, NWMA Middle School All-Conference Band (included 9th grade this year). List on honorees attached to this agenda.
- WSMA Instrumental Concert Festival – NHS Concert Band received the highest rating on a scale of 1 to 4 from all three judges for a composite score of one (1), Excellent.
- Richard I Bong Veterans Historical Center Writing Contest: “What changes to our lives and freedoms were generated by the attacks on September 11th , 2001? How do the events of that day continue to affect even those, like you, who may have no memory of it?”
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
Northwestern High School
District Conference Room, #2270
March 21, 2022
The Ad Hoc Teacher Compensation Committee of the Board of Education will meet at 4:00 p.m. in the District Conference Room at Northwestern High School on Monday, March 21, 2022.
Item(s) on the agenda for discussion include postseason compensation for athletics and activities and district payment of national competitions.
DATED: March 18, 2022
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