School District of Maple

The Virtual Maple program for online learning has changed and adapted since its inception in 2016. Many of those changes have been due to technological advances, programming options available, state requirements, student needs and societal shift.

The “concept” of Virtual Maple was initially created to provide online education to families who live within the school district boundaries, but were currently homeschooling or open-enrolled to a virtual school in another district. The idea was to allow families to still have many of the same freedoms and flexibility they enjoyed with developing their own “homeschool” curriculum and be able to take their children’s education “on the go” while enjoying the many benefits of being connected to the School District of Maple

COVID presented another set of challenges, so Virtual Maple opened the doors to students who had health, medical or socio-emotional reasons for not physically attending school. We were sensitive to all the various needs of our students and families and expanded options to facilitate that.

Virtual Maple continues to change and adapt. State legislation has changed and been clarified. The needs of our students and families have changed, as have resources that we have gained and lost. The main result of all of this is that Virtual Maple has become much more streamlined and accountable. Accountable in both an educational sense and in abiding with state regulations and requirements.

Virtual Maple is still the “umbrella” for online learning options, but those options are much more specific than they have been in the past.

  1. First, online learning is now primarily only an option at the high school.
  2. The options available are limited to two programming needs: credit recovery and credit replacement. The high school has identified approved providers. 
  3. Criteria and availability are more closely aligned with a student’s physical and mental status as determined by medical and/or psychological professionals, as well as our own educational staff.

We have learned a lot about student learning and how online learning can fill particular needs. Part of that learning, on our part, has been that online learning doesn’t fit every student, nor does it address every need appropriately. If you would like to explore if Virtual Maple is an appropriate fit for you and your child, please contact us at 715-363-2431 and you will be put in touch with a professional on our staff to discuss options that are available.  

Updated 1-19-24

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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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