School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Room #2270
Monday, December 12, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the December 12, 2022 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- November 14, 2022 regular board meeting, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Employment
- Report: Wisconsin State Report Cards for the District and Schools – 2021-22, Brad Larrabee-District Assessment Coordinator
- Approval Items:
- Request from Peter Lawton and Nick Olson Northwestern Middle School Advisors and Student Council Representatives to plan and attend an “Experience Day” on Friday, February 17, 2023.
- Request from Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor to attend, along with two students, the 2023 Halftime Leadership Conference in Stevens Point on January 13-14, 2023.
- Fab Lab Grant Application – Board of Education Letter of Support
- Report and Recommendations from the December 12, 2022 Curriculum Committee Meeting.
- Administrative reports:
- Communications
- 102nd State Education Convention – January 17-20, 2023
- Maintenance Report
- Donation(s)
- WASB and Legislative Correspondence
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Director, Director of Special Education, School Counselors and Student Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition: Northwestern High School’s One Act Play Paper or Plastic, received the Critic’s Choice Award at the Wisconsin State One-Act Play contest, held as part of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Theatre Festival on November 17-19, 2022. Additionally, the production earned an Ensemble Award and Technical Theatre Award. Ella Cain, Gr. 12, earned an Outstanding Acting Award as “Cracked Egg Woman.”
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
(Where a majority of the Board may attend)
District Conference Room at NHS, #2270
Monday, December 12, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
- Call to Order.
- Roll Call: Gail Saari, Chair; Danna Livingston-Matherly, Shari Olson - Committee Members.
- The meeting was published in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage and throughout the District according to School Board Policy.
- Overview - Northwestern High School Course Description Book for 2023-24.
- Wisconsin Act 105 – Option for a pupil to participate in sports or another organized physical activity, as determined by the school board, to complete an additional .5 credit in English, social studies, mathematics, science or health education in lieu of .5 credit in physical education.
- Adjournment.
2021-22 Wisconsin DPI Report Cards Released
Again this year, the School District of Maple is proud to announce that we have achieved some of the highest performance scores in the state of Wisconsin. Please join in celebrating this success by viewing the documents below:
School District of Maple
District Report Card
Northwestern High School
Northwestern Middle School
Northwestern Elementary School
Iron River Elementary School
More information on our schools performances can be found on the DPI website at: or by CLICKING ON THIS LINK.
NHS Activities Monthly Round-up: November 2022
The marching band recently made its annual performance in the KBJR “Christmas City of the North Parade” on Friday, November 18th. It was historically cold, but the band looked great! On Monday, December 5, the NHS Jazz Band will be performing at the NHS Java Jive. You can watch live at 7:30 PM (or in person) or after the performance on YouTube: After the Jazz Band performance, the band will refocus on concert music in preparation for the Winter Band Concert on Monday, December 19. That concert will start at 7:30 PM and feature the NHS Concert Band as well as the NMS Bands. That concert can also be watched on YouTube:
The concert choir is preparing for the Winter Choir Concert on December 12th. The Chamber Singers will make their performance debut at this concert as well and have been busy preparing their music. They will also be performing this music at White Winter Winery on December 3rd and during a tour of schools and nursing homes December 22nd. We are also excited to announce that a group of students called vocal jazz is preparing to perform at the Java Jive concert Monday, December 5th.
Congratulations to the NHS Drama team and the end of a fantastic season. When faced with a mighty snow storm, they replied with "The show must go on," and traveled down to UW-Whitewater for the Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech and Dramatic Arts Association State Theatre Festival on Friday, November 18. They were fortunate enough to receive recognition with Outstanding Technical Theatre, Outstanding Ensemble, and Critic's Choice awards. In addition, senior Ella Cain won an Outstanding Acting award.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets every Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 3058. Our leaders are Peter Kephart, Kayla Paulsen, Jenna Hursh and Lawson Burkhart. Please see any of them if you have questions. Everyone is welcome! Mr. Eberhardt and Mrs. Vik are happy to answer any questions as well.
National Honor Society
Thanks to a grant from Essentia Health through their Community Support program as well as boxes of donated supplies from Douglas County Health and Human Services, the National Honor Society has established baskets with feminine products in each of the four main student ladies’ bathrooms at Northwestern High School. These are for students to use when the need arises in the current school year. If you have any questions or would like to donate to help this continue, please contact NHS advisor Mrs. Thompson; the president, Katie Kyle; or vice president, Tieryn Plasch.
NES Mentors
What an amazing group of NHS students who volunteer their time to be a friend to an NES student! These NHS students commit to one Advisory period a week to go to NES to come alongside an NES student who needs some one-on-one time. Special thanks to Mrs. Hietala for making meaningful connections with our super students at NHS and a great kid at NES! If you are a junior or senior and interested in being a mentor, please stop in to see Mrs. Vik in Room 3058.
Students Against Destructive Decisions have formed three sub committees and they are presently researching initiatives for Random Acts of Kindness, Mental Health awareness and how to make better choices concerning our health. All students are invited to be part of these discussions. Our mission is to make our student body better prepared to choose the best for self and educate others to make a great choice. When we know better, we DO better!
This is the third opportunity to purchase a yearbook, and the last one that allows for the yearbook to have personalization (your student's name on the cover).
As of November 19, the price went up to $68. The price will increase again on January 28, 2023, to $70.
Order online ( or send payment to school (check or cash) to give to Mrs. Thompson in Room 3050. Make checks payable to NHS Black & Gold.
Questions? Email
Please CLICK ON THIS SURVEY LINK regarding the School District of Maple's search for a new superintendent. We ask that you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey to share your perspective on the qualities desired for a new superintendent for our school district. Your input will guide the Board of Education as they seek to find the next leader of our school system.
School District of Maple
Room #2270, District Conference Room - Northwestern High School
Monday, November 14, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the November 14, 2022 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- October 10, 2022 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation/Employment
- Jeff Eide, Executive Director of WiRSA (Wisconsin Rural School Alliance) – Tanya Krieg, Northwestern Middle School – Wisconsin Principal of the Year Award.
- Discussion – Transitions Coordinator Position
- Approval Items:
- Request from Jennifer Forsythe, DECA Advisor, and nine (9) DECA members to attend an overnight field trip to the DECA CRLC, Central Regions Leadership Conference on December 8-11, 2022 in Milwaukee, WI.
- Request from Morgan Paulson, Choir Director, to take 16 Choir members who are seniors on an overnight field trip to Chicago on June 8-10, 2022. She is further requesting that fundraising for the trip be allowed year-round.
- Requests for overnight trips from Brian Smith, Director of Athletic and Activities for:
- Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball to a holiday Tournament in West Salem, WI on December 28-29, 2022.
- Wrestling Team: December 2-3, 2022 in West Salem, WI; December 9-10, 2022 in Wisconsin Dells, WI; December 28-29, 2022 in River Falls, WI;
- CESA 12 Shared Services Contract Addendum/Revision - Superintendent Search
- Policies:
- No. 0161 – Parliamentary Authority, 2nd Reading
- No. 8500 – Food Service
- District Policy – Angel Fund Revisions
- Administrative reports:
- Communications Received
- Final Aid Certification and Tax Levy for 2022-23
- School Board Election Notice and Schedule
- Maintenance Update
- 102nd State Education Convention – January 18-20, 2023
- Donation(s)
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director, Special Education Director and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration to move to an executive session necessary for those items exempted under open session according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(a)(f)(c). Included under this item are contract and strategies for a new superintendent search.
- Adjournment.
NHS Activities Round-up: October 2022
The concert band recently performed on the NHS Fall Concert. This concert also featured the concert choir and is available on YouTube:
Several members of the band participated in the Northwestern Wisconsin Music Association High School All-Conference Band on Tuesday, November 1. That performance is available at
The concert choir had their first performance and is now switching gears for the Winter Choir Concert on December 12th. The Chamber Singers will make their performance debut at this concert as well and have been busy preparing their music. They will also be performing this music at White Winter Winery and during a tour of schools and nursing homes in December. Select students are preparing for Chorfest at UWS as well happening November 10th. The Tiger Beat show choir is preparing pieces for the Washburn Extravaganza that is being held at Washburn High School on November 12th.
The NHS Drama team recently performed their play at district competition in Drummond and earned scores which qualified them for the sectional competition in Eau Claire on November 2. In addition, the cast and crew are also eagerly anticipating performing for the public at the Night of One Acts, Tuesday November 15 at 7 pm in the Patricia Loustari Auditorium at NHS.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets every Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 3058. Our leaders are Peter Kephart, Kayla Paulsen, Jenna Hursh and Lawson Burkhart. It is so awesome to have 40-45 students every week sharing a devotional, encouraging each other, and having a yummy breakfast treat! All are welcome!
National Honor Society
Instead of trick-or-treating for candy, Northwestern students will be going around our local community on Halloween collecting food donations for the local food shelves. Please help them help others.
NES Mentors
What an amazing group of NHS students who volunteer their time to be a friend to an NES student! These NHS students commit to one Advisory period a week to go to NES to come alongside an NES student who needs some one-on-one time. Special thanks to Mrs. Hietala for making meaningful connections with our super students at NHS and a great kid at NES! If you are a junior or senior and interested in being a mentor, please stop in to see Mrs. Vik in Room 3058.
Students Against Destructive Decisions have formed three sub committees and they are presently researching initiatives for Random Acts of Kindness, Mental Health awareness and how to make better choices concerning our health. All students are invited to be part of these discussions. Our mission is to make our student body better prepared to choose the best for self and educate others to make a great choice. When we know better, we DO better!
Yearbooks are available for purchase: the cost is currently $65.
Here is the link to order a yearbook online:
Also, seniors need to turn in (or email to their grad photos, baby pictures, and senior quote to Mrs. Thompson in Room 3050. Deadline for those is Friday, November 4, 2022.
Child Screenings
The School District of Maple offers early childhood screenings for all 2.5-4 year old children who live in district.
Screenings are great opportunities to make sure your child is meeting their developmental milestones, or to address any speech and language, motor, behavior, or social emotional concerns.
Contact Michaela Geier to or 715-364-7167 to schedule an appointment for a screening.
School District of Maple
District Conference Room #2270 at Northwestern High School
Monday, October 10, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the October 10, 2022 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- September 12, 2022 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Employment
- Superintendent Hire Process – Dr. Nick Madison-Agency Administrator CESA 12
- Approval Items:
- Report from the September 27, 2022 Buildings/Grounds/Transportation Committee Meeting.
- Request from FFA to for six (6) students to attend the overnight field trip National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana from October 25-29, 2022.
- Start College Now/Early College Credit Program for Spring 2023.
- 66.30 Cooperative Agreement with South Shore – Revised
- 2021-22 Budget Revisions.
- 2022-23 Tax Levy and Budget.
- Policies:
- New:
- No. 0161 – Parliamentary Authority – First Reading
- Revised:
- No. 1213, 3213, 4213 – Student Supervision and Welfare
- No. 1421, 3121, 4121 – Criminal History Record Check and Employee Self-Reporting Requirement
- No. 2260.02 – Services for Bilingual Students/English Learners
- No. 3120.04 – Employment of Substitutes
- No. 5113 – Open Enrollment Program (Inter-District)
- No. 7440.01 – Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
- No. 8146 – Notification of Educational Options
- New:
- Administrative report:
- Communications
- Short-Term Borrowing Report on Bids
- Pupil Count (September 16, 2022) and Open Enrollment Report
- Maintenance Update
- Donation(s)
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA #12 report
- Student, Staff, Community Recognition
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern High School Athletics and Activities, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, District Counselors and Student Board Representatives.
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration to move to an executive session necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(a)(f)(c). Included under this item are contract strategies for a new superintendent search.
- Adjournment.
NHS Activities Round-up: September 2022
The Northwestern Tiger Marching Band is busy preparing for the 2022 Bayfield Apple Festival Parade as well as their Homecoming performance. For the Bayfield parade (October 9), the band will be performing Trails of Glory by James Swearingen. For their homecoming performance on Friday, October 7th, the band will be performing a salute to John Williams which will feature Raiders March, Jurassic Park and E.T. They will finish out the month of October by performing as a concert band on the NHS Fall Concert. This concert will also feature the concert choir and will be broadcast on YouTube:
The concert choir is preparing for their upcoming Fall Concert with the NHS concert band. The Chamber Singers are already preparing music for the Winter Concert as well as pieces to sing caroling at White Winter Winery in December. The Tiger Beat show choir is preparing pieces for the Washburn Extravaganza that is being held at Washburn High School on November 12th.
The cast and crew of this year's drama troupe have been busy designing sets and costumes as well as rehearsing for their upcoming subdistrict one-act play competition. In addition to subdistrict competition here at NHS on the 5th of October, and district competition at Drummond High School on the 19th of October, the cast and crew are also eagerly anticipating performing for the public on The Night of One Acts on Tuesday, November 15.
FBLA has a record number of members this year. We are busy planning our year.
Area food shelves are needing our support. FCCLA will begin their Thanksgiving Basket food drive early in October, with the donations being ready for delivery the second week in November. All are welcome to participate.
On Monday September 19th, the FFA student officers traveled to Spooner High School to participate in the Fall Leadership Workshop. There, they worked with the state officer team to better understand their officer positions and to develop a plan of action for the school year.
While the back-to-school deal of four free icons on the yearbook cover has expired, yearbooks are still available for $60. The price will go up to $65 on October 22.
Here is the link to order a yearbook online:
Also, seniors need to turn in (or email to their grad photos, baby pictures, and senior quote to Mrs. Thompson in Room 3050. Deadline for those is Friday, November 4, 2022.
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