School District of Maple
District Conference Room 2270 – Northwestern High School
YouTube Link:
Monday, July 17, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public hearing. There may be a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the July 17, 2023 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- June 5, 2023 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Employment
- Approval Items:
- Sealed Bids for the Building Construction House
- 2023-24 Board of Education Goals
- 2023-24 Food Service and Meal Prices
- Milk Bids
- Report and Recommendations from the July 17, 2023 Curriculum Committee Meeting.
- Adoption of the Wisconsin Model Standards, Common Core Standards and National Science Standards for the District – 2023-24
- Seclusion and Restraint Report for 2022-23
- Ridership, Cost and Possible Discontinuation of Activity Buses for 2023-24
- AutoGas Facility Agreement - Midland Services
- Policies:
- Revisions:
- 0100 – Definitions
- 3215, 4215 – Use of Tobacco by Professional Staff, Use of Tobacco by Support Staff
- 5200 – Attendance
- 5330 – Administration of Medication/Emergency Care
- 5410 – Promotion, Placement, and Retention
- 5512 – Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Students
- 5517 – Student Anti-Harassment
- 5771 – Search and Seizure
- 7434 – Use of Tobacco on School Premises
- 7440 – Facility Security
- 8450 – Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases
- 8500 – Food Services
- First Reading – New
- 5340 – Student Accidents/illness/Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Technical Changes:
- 0144.5–Board Member Behavior and Code of Conduct, 0155–Controversial Issues in the Classroom, 3131–Reduction in Staff, 3210–Staff Ethics, 5430-Class Rank, 7217–Weapons, 7540–Technology, 7544–Use of Social Media, 8431–Preparedness for Toxic Hazards, 8510–Wellness, 8531–Free and Reduced-Price Meals.
- Revisions:
- Administrative Report:
- Communications Received
- School Handbooks
- Maintenance Report
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Donation(s)
- Student, staff, and community recognition
- Comments from the audience
- Adjournment.
(Where a majority of the Board may attend)
District Conference Room at NHS, #2270
Monday, July 17, 2023, 4:30 PM
YouTube Link:
- Call to Order.
- Roll Call: Shari Olson, Chair; Jeremiah Glonek, Dan Cowley - Committee Members.
- The meeting was published in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage and throughout the District according to School Board Policy.
- Northwestern Middle School – New Course for 2023-24
- 6th Grade Choir
- Adjournment.
May 2023 NHS Activities Round-Up
The NHS band finished the year strong with a great performance at the NHS Commencement. Several members of the band will gather in the summer to play in the Iron River Blueberry Festival on Sunday, July 23.
Concert Choir and choir seniors ended the year strong with their performance at commencement May26th!
Maddie Rahman and Chelsey Maki attended the DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida in April. They did a wonderful job representing the School District of Maple at this event.
Link Crew:
The Link Crew 23-24 team was announced and trained this May. We’re looking forward to them hosting Freshmen Orientation in the fall!
The Northwestern FCA Huddle meets every Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 3058. We want to thank Peter Kephart and Kayla Paulsen for being awesome senior Huddle Leaders this year and wish them the best as they pursue degrees in college this fall. Mr. Coleman came to speak with us about how to handle lack of fellowship over the summer and how to maintain solid friendships. In the fall, Jenna Hursh, Lawson Burkhardt, Ashlyn Sutherland and Addison Hansen will lead the Huddle. All are welcome! Have a super summer!
Brinley Tonn, Sheila Gregerson, Asher Gilderman, Lily Kwako, and Justin Nelson will be representing Northwestern at the WI State FFA Convention in Madison in mid June. They will be accepting awards to our FFA chapter as well as participating in a variety of community service projects and leadership development workshops.
FFA members are also gearing up for 2023-2024 officer elections and planning to go to the State FFA Leadership Conference and Convention in June.
NES Mentors
The NES Mentors are completing their work with an NES student this week. If you are interested in doing this next year, please stop in Room 3058. Volunteering is an amazing experience and this is one way you can pay it forward! Thank you to all NES Mentors!
Students Against Destructive Decisions have a Random Act of Kindness project ready for NES. If your elementary school student talks about a small treat that had words of encouragement, that was probably from a group of SADD students at NHS. Kindness makes a difference everyday and if we can model it hopefully it will be contagious!
School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School, Room 2270
Monday, June 5, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business in public and is not to be considered a public meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the June 5, 2023 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- May 8, 2023 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive session.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Retirement/Resignations/Employment/Leave of Absence
- Assessment Overview – Mr. Larrabee
- Approval Items:
- Sealed Bid Opening for the Building Construction House
- School Calendar for 2023-24 Revised
- WIAA Senior High Membership Renewal for 2023-24
- 66.03.01 Cooperative Agreement with South Shore – Occupational Therapist
- Co-Curricular Officials Check Signing for Mr. Fechtelkotter from $250 to $500
- Administrative report:
- Communications
- Board Committee Assignments
- Maintenance Report
- CESA #12 Report
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- Donation(s)
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary School, Director of Special Education, and Athletic and Activities Director.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
April 2023 NHS Activities Round-Up
The NHS band is busy preparing for the 2023 NMS & NHS Band Pops Concert. Pieces on this year’s concert will include The Avengers, How to Train Your Dragon, Music from a Darkened Theatre by Danny Elfman, Ashokan Farewell as well as Midway March by John Williams. The concert can be viewed live on YouTube:
All vocal ensembles are busy preparing for the Pops Concert May 12th at 7:30. Selected solos and ensembles are also going to perform at WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Saturday, May 20th in Eau Claire. Concert Choir and its seniors are preparing to perform at Commencement as well on Friday, May 26th.
The Northwestern FCA Chapter meets every Friday morning at 7:30 in Room 3058. Please see Kayla Paulsen, Peter Kephart, Jenna Hursh or Lawson Burkhart if you have any questions. There are opportunities for Leadership and Sport Camps at University of Northwestern in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Please see one of the above students for more information if you are interested. Thank you to Mr. Teal for supervising recently as well.
Three Students attended the State Conference and Competition at Wisconsin Dells April 3,4,5th. Two competed while the third student participated as a voting delegate and all participated in the break out sessions and Conference.
Northwestern High School had 15 students participate in the State Leadership Conference in Green Bay on April 17 - 18. The Broadcast Journalism team placed second and earned the right to compete at the National FBLA competition in Atlanta, GA in June.
On April 26-27 4 FFA members traveled to UW- Madison to compete in the State Career Development Contests in Farm & Business Management. Along the way they toured the Wisconsin Cranberry Center in Warrens and the Arboretum in Madison.
FFA members are also gearing up for 2023-2024 officer elections and planning to go to the State FFA Leadership Conference and Convention in June.
The NHS Forensics team finished their successful season with a stellar showing at state competition held in DeForest on April 22. All ten participants medaled in their individual categories. Four students received gold medals and one received "the big gold medal" awarded to participants who have received gold medals four years in a row.
NES Mentors
Thank you NES Mentors for your work with an NES student! The staff at NES are grateful for your continued efforts as you make a difference in the lives of a great younger student! While this is a busy time of the year for NHS and NES students, thank you for honoring your commitment to your special kid! If you are interested in being a mentor for school year 2023-2024, please stop in to see Mrs. Vik in Room 3058.
As Prom and Graduation are approaching, the SADD group would like to remind all students the importance of wearing your seatbelt and no texting while driving. There are two groups of SADD members that will be doing a school wide project in May in regards to alternatives to nicotine/vaping use. Another group will be heading to NES to show some support of the younger kids in our district.
Sportsman’s Club (Trap)
We are in our second week out of a total of 5 weeks of competition. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this week. Registration for the State Tournament in Rome, WI on June 11th, is open right now and the deadline is noon on May 3rd. All members are invited to participate. At the end of the season we will have our fun night where we play games such as “ Annie Oakly” and “Back Your Buddy.” Also food!
On April 10, Visual Arts Classic students competed in Madison at the state competition. Out of the 18 projects entered, 14 earned first place gold medals and 4 earned second place silver medals. Students competed in sculpture, mixed media, painting, personal adornment, drawing, ceramics, printmaking, and art history. The students also competed as a team in the Art History Quiz Bowl and took sixth place!
Yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed the week of May 15. We have about 80 still available for pre-order. The book price is currently $70. If you are ordering online, please do so before May 10 so we can have an accurate list of who has pre-ordered.
Order online ( or send payment to school (check or cash) to give to Mrs. Thompson in Room 3050. Make checks payable to NHS Black & Gold.
Questions? Email
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 - Northwestern High School
Monday, May 8, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order and roll call: Mr. Landwehr, Mr. Granlund Mr. Glonek, Mr. Cowley, Mr. Hursh, Ms. Brunette and Mrs. Olson. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
- The agenda was posted throughout the district according to school board policy, published as a legal ad in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage. A meeting notice was sent to WNXR for announcement and The Connection for publication.
- Approval of the agenda.
- Election of officers: the Clerk, Shari Olson, shall preside until the President is elected. The President will conduct the election of the remaining officers.
- Officers to be elected:
- Election of President
- Election of Vice President
- Election of Clerk
- Election of Treasurer
- Appointment of CESA #12 representative to serve on the Board of Control
- Appointment of the WASB Correspondent
- Appointment of board committees
- Officers to be elected:
- Consent Agenda:
- April 10, 2023 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirement
- Approval Items:
- Authorization of electronic signature block/letterhead.
- Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor and FFA request for 6-9 members to attend the 93rd Wisconsin State FFA Convention in Madison, Wisconsin from June 12-15, 2023.
- Request from Charlie Hessel, Volleyball Coach for 10-14 Varsity players to attend a two-day volleyball tournament in Onalaska on August 23-24, 2023.
- 2023-24 CESA 12 Shared Services Contract.
- Administrative report:
- Communications Received
- Completion of Grant for School Based Mental Health Transitions Coordinator/Mental Health Navigator Positions
- Graduation for May 29, 2023; Two Board Members to Participate
- CESA #12 Convention – Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - Ashland, WI
- Maintenance Report
- WASB legislative and correspondence report
- CESA #12 report
- Donation(s) Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and the Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Student Representatives.
- Staff, student, community recognition
- Jessica Buran, Northwestern High School Math teacher has been selected as one of this year’s recipients of the 2023 Evening of Honors Awards in the Master of Science in Mathematics program at Shawnee State University.
- This award is also based on academic integrity, persistence, and communication between students and their professors. Jessica maintained a 4.0 through the program, which is very rare, and was the only unanimous selection of the faculty for this recognition.
- Jessica Buran, Northwestern High School Math teacher has been selected as one of this year’s recipients of the 2023 Evening of Honors Awards in the Master of Science in Mathematics program at Shawnee State University.
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(f). Included under these items is a request from a parent for a private meeting with the Board concerning student discipline by a coach and an expulsion hearing.
- Adjournment.
Bids requested on a new home according to the instructions below:
A new home shell, one story, 24' x 36' with two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, utility room, and one full bathroom framed in, will be sold to the high bidder over a minimum of $53,000. The house is located at Northwestern High School, Maple, WI. Following are the features of this home:
- LPI 20 Series, 9-1/2” I-Joists floor framing with LP Legacy Floor Sheathing.
- 2x6 exterior wall construction.
- Engineered roof truss system with 1’ heel height - 6/12 Pitch.
- 5/8” OSB used on the roof sheathing.
- 7/16” OSB used on wall sheathing with Tyvek House Wrap.
- Great Room ceiling is vaulted - 3/12 vaulted interior.
- Pre-finished half log siding package from 2 x 8 Country Hewn installed, (Amber Wheat color).
- Rollex brand aluminum soffits and fascia, (Forest Green color).
- Insulated Marvin Elevate windows, Low E with Argon, with screens throughout. (Green Clad Exterior color, Bare Pine Interior).
- Matching Marvin Elevate Sliding French door.
- Bayer Built insulated fiberglass entry door, metal clad jambs.
- Roof shingled with Certain Teed Landmark Architectural shingles & Ridge Vent, (Hunter Green color)
This house is being sold as a shell. The interior of the building is framed in, but plumbing, finished flooring, sheet rock, insulation, siding, etc. has not been completed.
The house is wired including switches, outlets and breaker panel. However, it does not include breakers and lighting fixtures.
This house is open for inspection by appointment only, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. prior to June 5, 2023, contact Penny Lavin, Administrative Assistant/Purchasing Agent in the District Office @ 715-363-0159 to make an appointment.
A certified check in the amount of ten (10) percent of the bid price and a letter from a financial institution stating that the bidder has been pre-approved for their bid dollar amount must accompany the bid. If, after submitting the bid on the house, the successful bidder decides not to purchase the house, the ten (10) percent bid bond will be forfeited. The house must be paid for in full before removal from the school district premises. Removal must be no later than August 1, 2023. It is recommended that bidders have their plans for site development finalized prior to submitting a bid.
The Maple School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids must be contained in a sealed envelope marked "House Bid" addressed to the Board of Education, School District of Maple, P.O. BOX 188, Maple, WI 54854.
Bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 5, 2023.
Bids will be presented to the School Board at their regular meeting scheduled for Monday, June 5, 2023.
School District of Maple Summer Activity Courses
“A fun-based way to enjoy a variety of learning opportunities”
Summer School Info for Families
The School District of Maple is pleased to announce that Summer School courses will once again be offered during the summer. We have many exciting course options for students of all ages.
Important Documents
- 2023 Summer School Info for Students and Families (includes Course Proposals)
- How to Enroll in Summer School - Arena Scheduling
Registration Process
- Registration for classes will be through Skyward Family Access unless otherwise noted.
- How to Enroll in Summer School - Arena Scheduling
- If you wish to enroll in more than one summer school course, please register for ONE via Skyward and then email and let her know what other courses you wish to enroll in.
- Our system does not support dual enrollment, so this is our workaround.
- If you are considering the CNA course you should sign up for that one in Skyward, as there are only eight slots.
- If you need help getting access to Skyward, please contact Candi Stariha, 715-364-2218 #1401.
- Summer School is FREE for all students.
- Transportation is NOT provided for summer school unless otherwise noted.
- Each child should bring his/her own snack/lunch daily as meals are not provided.
- You will receive an email from your child’s summer school teacher prior to the start of summer school.
- Elementary students need to be walked into the building and to the assigned classroom.
- Elementary parents/family members must sign the student in and out with the teacher daily.
- Enrollment in each course is limited and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Please do not allow your child to be at school when he/she is not enrolled in a course. No additional supervision is provided.
- The School District of Maple Student Handbooks (NES, IRES, NMS and NHS) will be adhered to for any and all issues concerning student expectations. Please ask for a copy if you are not familiar with any particular areas.
Summer School Attendance
- While attendance is not mandatory at summer school, we are still required to report excused or unexcused absences to the state.
- If your child is not going to be present for the summer school course(s) you have enrolled him/her for - you are now required to notify the district.
- On days your child will be absent - please send an EMAIL to the following link EVERY day that your child will be absent and let us know if you are excusing it as a parent:
- If we do not hear from you we will assume you have dropped the course and your child's schedule will reflect a drop/withdrawal in Skyward.
- Furthermore if you have not called or sent a note for your child's absences then his/her Skyward attendance records will reflect UNEXCUSED absences as such if we do not hear otherwise.
- Thank you.
Additional Summer School Roles
- Tanya Krieg - Summer School Coordinator
- Mark Carlson, Brian Smith, Brad Larrabee - Summer School Principals
- Jacqueline Gammons - Accounting
- Candi Stariha and Carlene Brandmeier - Co-Skyward Course Developer
- Jenny Keller - Co-Skyward Course Consultant
School District of Maple
District Conference Room, #2270 - Northwestern High School
Monday, April 10, 2023 – 4:30 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public comment during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the April 10, 2023 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(b)(c)(f). Included under these items are holding a private conference under the terms of §118.22 with a teacher who received a preliminary notice of nonrenewal and a discussion on employee health insurance benefits for 2023-24.
- Reconvene to open session.
- Consent Agenda:
- March 8, 2023 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirements
- Counselor Update and QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Training
- Approval Items:
- Darren Nyhus, FFA Advisor request for four (4) FFA students to attend the overnight FFA State Career Development Contest in Madison, WI on April 26-27, 2023.
- Summer School for 2023
- 2023-24 Revised Calendar
- 2023-24 CESA 12 Shared Services Contract
- Resolution to Authorize CESA 12 to Dispose of Real Property
- Potential action to rescind a preliminary notice to consider the nonrenewal of the middle school health teacher’s individual contract.
- Final Nonrenewal Notices for 2023-24: middle school health, secondary math, secondary science and high school/middle school social studies.
- Recommendation to Hire a Special Education Teacher
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- School Board Election Results
- Maintenance Updated
- Donation(s)
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Student, Staff, and Community Recognition
- Northwestern Wisconsin Music Association (NWMA) High School All-Conference Concert Band: Trevy Amundson, Lawson Burkhart, Oscar Danz, Riley Eberhardt, Francesca Germano, Anneka Hoegen, Mark Jarman, Nye Kovaleski, Reid Kreuser, Katie Kyle, Citori Larson, Maya Siddiqui, Mateo Stauffenecker, Emma Walman.
- Northwestern Wisconsin Music Association (NWMA) Middle School All-Conference Concert Band: Liam Gort, Ellie Hanson, Aden Hubbard, A.J. Ketola, Jaylynne Lawler, Jayton Wright, Shyanne Xiong.
- UMD Junior High School Honor Band: Liam Gort, Ellie Hanson, Jaylynne Lawler, Shyanne Xiong.
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education and Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator are enclosed with Board packets.
- Comments from the Audience.
- Adjournment.
March 2023 NHS Activities Round-Up
The band recently had several students participate in the WSMA District Solo & Ensemble Festival hosted in our awesome facility. All entries earned gold medals with one of the entries going on the the state festival in May.
The NHS Jazz Band has been busy preparing for the 2023 Coffee House (Spring Jazz) Concert on Tuesday, April 4. The concert starts at 7:30 in the NHS Auditorium ($4 for Adults and $2 for Students/Senior Citizens). Included in the concert will be several classics of the big band era including Satin Doll, The Preacher, Summertime, & Malagueña. The concert will also be broadcast live on YouTube:
After the jazz concert, the band’s full attention will turn to the NMS/NHS Band Pops Concert on Friday, May 19..
The Concert Choir received all 1’s at the WSMA Choral Festival Thursday March 9th. The Chamber Singers, Vocal Jazz, SA Group, Wolfpack, and many solos and duets performed at Solo and Ensemble on March 25th. Out of 30 Northwestern performances, 25 received gold and 10 are heading to the State Competition the first week of May. Vocal Jazz is also busy preparing for the Coffee House Concert on April 4th.
The Northwestern FCA Chapter meets every Friday morning at 7:30 in Room 3058. Please see Kayla Paulsen, Peter Kephart, Jenna Hursh or Lawson Burkhart if you have any questions. Recently, Mr. Bob Coleman spoke to our group and encouraged everyone to be a positive team member as our spring sports seasons are in full swing.
Great reminder of how important it is to encourage one another!
The NHS Forensics team competed and did well at both the subdistrict competition held at NHS as well as the district competition held at Drummond. Weather delayed their first competition twice. The team's flexibility and hard work paid off as ten participants have qualified for the state tournament to be held in DeForest April 22nd.
NES Mentors
Thank you NES Mentors for your work with an NES student! The staff at NES are grateful for your continued efforts as you make a difference in the lives of a great younger student! If you are interested in being a mentor for school year 2023-2024, please stop in to see Mrs. Vik in Room 3058.
Recently, Merrick Beddor from Douglas County came to NHS and set up an informational table highlighting the negative effects of nicotine. She was assisted by 4 very committed SADD members. There were some social media posts and Ms. Beddor would like to return to do additional activities with our school body. Our SADD group wants to help all students make safe and healthy life choices.
We have about 90 still available for pre-order. The opportunity to have the book personalized with your son/daughter’s name on the cover, however, has passed. The book price is currently $70.
Order online ( or send payment to school (check or cash) to give to Mrs. Thompson in Room 3050. Make checks payable to NHS Black & Gold.
Questions? Email
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