School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Auditorium
Monday, May 10, 2021 – 4:30 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order and roll call: Mrs. Lind, Mr. Landwehr, Ms. Saari, Mr. Granlund, Mrs. Livingston-Matherly, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Olson. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
- The agenda was posted throughout the district according to school board policy, published as a legal ad in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage, and sent to the WNXR radio station for announcement. A meeting notice was sent to The Connection for publication.
- Approval of the agenda.
- Election of officers: the Clerk, Gail Saari, shall preside until the President is elected. The President will conduct the election of the remaining officers. Officers to be elected:
- Election of President
- Election of Vice President
- Election of Clerk
- Election of Treasurer
- Appointment of CESA #12 representative to serve on the Board of Control
- Appointment of the WASB Correspondent
- Appointment of board committees
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included under these items are bus driver incentive adjustments/revisions/clarification and activity buses for 2021-22. Reconvene to open session at 5:00 p.m.
- Consent Agenda:
- April 12, 2021 regular board meeting and the April 19, 2021 special meet minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirement
- Approval Items:
- Authorization of electronic signature block (if needed)
- COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Summer School, District Office, etc.
- Bus Driver Incentive Adjustments
- Activity Bus Ridership and Proposal for 2021-22
- Employee Health Insurance Benefit Increase in Premium for 2021-22
- Administrative report:
- Communications Received
- Graduation for May 28, 2021; Two Board Members to Participate
- CESA #12 Convention – Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - Ashland, WI
- Maintenance Report
- WASB legislative and correspondence report
- CESA #12 report
- Donation(s)
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and the Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Student Representatives.
- Staff, student, community recognition
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
NHS Activities Round-up: April 2021
The band is putting the finishing touches on their music for the Band Pops Concert on Friday, May 14. The concert will be at 12:00 pm (with limited in-person seating) and will feature performances by the concert band as well as the jazz & sports bands. The Concert Band will be performing The Mandalorian, West Side Story, “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid, “Yoda’s Theme” from The Empire Strikes Back and Highlights from Harry Potter. The Jazz Band will be performing “That Old Black Magic” and “House of the Rising Sun”. Sports band will be playing “Smoke on the Water”.
We are excited to feature TWO NEW INSTRUMENTS IN THE PERCUSSION SECTION!! The district recently purchased a vibraphone and marimba. We are excited to feature them in the upcoming performance and will be using them for decades to come.
You can follow the band on Facebook at
The choir had a successful Open Rehearsal on March 5. Part of that recording was sent to the Wisconsin School Music Association for their Large Group Contest. Adjudicators listened to and critiqued the performance of the Hallelujah Chorus, Ave Verum Corpus and Cindy, and the choir was awarded a GOLD MEDAL for their performance. Congratulations, Choir! Even in the midst of the pandemic, the NHS Choir has proven their excellence!
Several members of the choir and band participated in the WSMA Virtual Solo and Ensemble competition in April. We had 27 entries overall and NHS brought home 3 silver medals and 24 gold medals! Of the 20 performers who were eligible to advance to state competition, 11 advanced and will submit their next round of recordings to the state offices in May!
Follow the HS Choir on Facebook:
Congratulations to the nine participants in the FBLA State Leadership conference:
- Dyan Anderson, Delaney Brown, Allison Luoma, Tieryn Plasch, Abby Wennersten, Autumn Askim, Lyvia Carlson, Brinnley Tonn and Michelle Fudally.
- Delaney Brown and Allison Luoma placed 6th overall in Broadcast Journalism.
Link Crew
Link Crew Leaders plan on meeting with their freshmen monthly to do a variety of activities to help them with their second semester of high school.
National Honor Society
We were able to hold an in-person induction ceremony this year. The 2020 inductees as well as the 2021 inductees were honored during the ceremony. Members of the National Honor Society are busy making cards that will be donated to Middle River Health facility.
Trap Club
Trap Club is off and running with 57 members, the most we have ever had in our 7 years of existence. We have been placed in a conference with the biggest schools in WI. Look on the Hawthorne Trap Club facebook page for pictures. The week of April 28 was our reserve score week with competition starting the week of May 3.
Yearbooks are currently available. The current price is $70. The only way to order now is to send a check to school with your son/daughter. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Thompson @
The NMS TIGER "TALES" for MAY, 2021
Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.
Our NMS Mission
Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encouragesthe physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
NMS Activities - MAY
3-7 National TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK!! NMS has the BEST middle school teachers on the planet! Help us celebrate them the TIGER way!
8 NMS Choirs YouTube Open Rehearsal
11 Douglas County Detectives Present on Adolescent Safety Online/Phones/Apps for Students
14 NMS Progress Reports Go Home - Check Skyward!
NMS Bands YouTube Open Rehearsals
18 Northlakes Dental Cleans Teeth at NMS
Douglas County Detectives Present on Adolescent Safety Online/Phones/Apps for Families (Adults Only), 6:30 p.m., NMS Cafeteria, Masks/Social Distancing Required
19 NES and IRES 5th Graders Visit NMS
31 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Welcome Back to Our Online Tigers
Soooo many of our online Tigers RETURNED to campus to join us for the final quarter of
2020-2021! We are SO excited that the majority of our students who have been out are almost
ALL back! Our NMS hearts are SO very happy! With almost 168 million students still not yet back
in schools, we are SO thankful our TIGERS are!
Make a Difference Mondays
Every Monday I would like to start the week on a VERY positive note and highlight the GREAT
things happening here at NMS. Those great THINGS are done by PEOPLE. I would like to meet
with the following students this morning, as it has been brought to my attention that they have
been doing things that are MAKING A DIFFERENCE at NMS:
Preslie Lucca, Ryan Laborde, Fracesa Germano, Beau Helenius, Eve Kriske, Boden Teal, Eve Kriske,
Jack Zinmer, Harper Leith, Abbie Bobula, Jack Needham, Finley Pederson
Parents, Teachers, Staff: If you have anyone you would like to add to this list, please let the office know!
NMS Peer Tutoring Program
Our NMS PEER TUTOR PROGRAM is UP AND RUNNING! Thank you LAUREN WIITA for bringing this vision to fruition! Here is a link to the form you can submit if you want/need additional supports:
Peer Tutor Request Form:
If you have questions you can email Mrs. Lear, or Mrs. Kaufman,
NMS Student Spotlight
Are you doing something outside of school that we can showcase and celebrate? Let us know! Families...feel free to send items to
- Elizabeth Powell, 7th Grade
- Congratulations to Liz Powel for her team taking first place in her hockey tournament in Indiana!
Internet Safety for NMS Students AND Families
In an attempt to continue to inform and keep our middle school students safe while using their wireless devices we will be partnering with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department. Two detectives will be joining us and presenting to all of our students in the upcoming week. The
detectives presentation will focus on cyberbullying, online privacy, social media/phone apps, devices, defining child sexual exploitation/solicitation, and interpreting the law regarding the possession of child pornography. Due to the fact that middle school aged students are the most common offenders and targeted victims in these situations we feel it is important to continue to educate and inform our community and students. Parents always have the option of opting their student out of this event. There will be a designated space during the event for students whose parents/guardians have opted them out. Students will be able to read or work on school assignments at this time. If you would like to use this option please email the office: . If you have additional questions, please contact our school counselor: .
- Students: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
- Adult Family Members: Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 6:30 p.m., NMS Cafeteria
Vaping Information
Unfortunately we know that the use of vapes and the addiction of vaping is on the rise in our country with teenagers and the general population. In an attempt to keep OUR teenagers safe in OUR community, here are some resources for both students AND families. You may be very surprised at what you learn. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, please know we have people here at NMS to help, as well as partnerships with other organizations that can, too. The first step is reaching out for support. Know we are here.
- One Hour Recording:
- Additional Resources:
NMS See Something - SAY Something Initiative
This is a good time to remind all about the need to SAY SOMETHING if you SEE or HEAR SOMETHING. This correlates with the national initiative with the Department of Homeland Security. When/if you see or hear something or even just suspect something may endanger anyone in our school or community, we do expect here at NMS that you SAY SOMETHING. Find an adult here at school or at home. Communicate in any method that is most comfortable with you: In person, via phone, email, text, whatever. We continue to thank the TIGERS here at NMS who KNOW this and DO this. You will always remain anonymous. Please find a link here with additional information and resources.
We also like to remind students this is part of our board approved policy. Failure to report information that you are aware of can result in disciplinary actions. And, for students who feel they are in a place where they need help in any way, shape, or form should know that we have over 50 adults that work on this campus everyday. We are fortunate to have two counselors in our building that are here to help, too. Reach out. Communicate. We are here for you.
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
May is National Health Awareness Month. This year's message from the National Alliance on Mental Illness is "YOU ARE NOT ALONE". Here at NMS we will be sharing resources each Monday to increase mental health awareness and decrease the negative stigma around mental health. See the attached flyer to learn more about an opportunity for community members to take part in a Zoom Event called "Make It Okay"- It's okay to have mental illness, it's okay to talk about a mental illness, and it is okay to seek help for mental illness.
- Here are helpful links to the National Alliance on Mental Illnesses webpage:
NMS Educational Plans for 2021-2022
Our School Board has approved the Educational Plan for next school year, for grades 6-12. The main component of this plan has to do with what online learning will look like for next year. Please review the following and contact the office with any questions.
Educational Plan: 2021-2022
School District of Maple; Grades 6-12
- 1. In-person learning will take place 5 days a week.
- 2. Live-Streaming from the classroom will ONLY be available to those students and during those times individuals or groups of students are quarantined.
- 3. NO live-streaming or recording of lessons will be made available for extended family trips, vacations, etc. Work will be available via the Google Classroom.
- 4. The only online option will be provided through a third party vendor of the District's choosing. For the 2021-2022 school year those vendors will be Educere for core-related courses for grades 6-12 and eDynamic Learning specifically for CTE-related courses grades 9-12.
- 5. Students/Families must commit to a minimum of one term [9 weeks], during which courses would be required to be completed.
- 6. Students will not be allowed to take single courses on-campus. This would include band, choir, art, PE, etc. Choosing online would be 100% and only through the designated vendor[s].
- 7. Students must meet an eligibility criterion in order to take courses online:
- a. Students must have an attendance record of 85% or higher for the previous quarter.
- b. Students must have passed all classes at the end of the previous quarter.
- c. Students must not have any referrals or consequences related to cheating and/academic dishonesty during the previous quarter.
- d. Should a parent still request the student go online, a dr. note with an explanation as to the recommendation will be required as well as a release of information. In this way we can contact the doctor and share our information regarding the original denial.
- 8. Students who receive a failing grade, or fail to complete a course within the required time [9 weeks], or violate any part of the online agreement would forfeit any future eligibility to sign up for online coursework.
- 9. A mandatory meeting would be scheduled for the first week in August where the rep from the vendor[s] providing the online service would present [via video] to parents who are thinking about choosing the online option.
- 10. This meeting would be required of all parents and students who would ultimately choose this option. Those who do not attend would be required to watch a recording of the presentation. A deadline for signing up would be set to allow for appropriate choosing of courses through our Student Services Office.
Approved by the School District of Maple School Board; April 12, 2021
NMS Earth Day Activity Recap
Did you know that cigarette butts are the most common litter on earth! In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd our FACT group invited students and families to join them in making a difference by doing a cigarette butt clean up near their house or neighborhood some time over the next week.
Please see the following handout about picking up litter safely:
If you wish to continue to the work and need gloves or bags for cleaning up see Mrs. Kaufman and remember to check with your parents before going near any roads to pick up litter or better yet make it a family event and have them join you!
Band/Choir Sign-Ups for Next Year!
Students will be receiving an email with a Google Form link asking if you will be signing up for band, choir, both, or neither for next year. Each student will receive an individual form that we do need completed and submitted so we can schedule appropriately. Thank you! Here is the link:
Band/Choir YouTube Live Open Rehearsals
The bands and choirs have been rehearsing some great music during this semester and would like to share it with you! We will have open rehearsals on the following dates:
- Tuesday, May 4 8:30am NMS Choirs
- Friday, May 7 8:30am NMS 7th and 8th Grade Bands
- Friday, May 7 9:15am NMS 6th Grade Band
For those wanting to join us at school, please follow these guidelines:
- Parents are welcome.
- Park in the school lot.
- You will "buzz in" offering your name and student you are there for.
- You will be asked to sign in.
- Masks are required.
- Social distancing in the gym of 3-6 feet will be required in order to keep our students safe and our schools open.
- NMS Water Bottle Reminders
Just a friendly reminder that ALL water bottles, as per our district policy, need to be:
CLEAR and with WATER only in them. All others will be collected, rinsed, and can be picked up in the office. should go without saying...but...let’s say it should not be sharing your water bottles (yes, we have witnessed this with our own eyes). Yikes. Thank you for helping keep NMS students as healthy as we can! FINISHING STRONG!
3rd Quarter Encore Students of the Month for February & March
Art 6 ChiRho Thompson, Harley Erickson
Art 7 Ashley Erickson, Cameran Jonasen
Art 8 Eve Kriske, Ashlyn Sutherlund
Band 6 Ellie Hanson, Carter Olson
Band 7 Hudson Landwehr, Evan Kreuser
Band 8 Adeline Pooler, Trevellyan Amundson
Choir 7 Hailey Gilderman, Trevor Peterson
Choir 8 Shardae Burrow, Tebogo Anderson
Music 6 Wilson Isaksen, Indiera Connors
Health 6 Abbie Bobula
Health 7 Haley Gilderman
Health 8 Josh Hanson
Guidance 6 Wilson Isakson, Mya Hugdahl
Physical Ed 6 Keagan Hardee, Vincent Germano
Physical Ed 7Andrew Phillips, Ricky Erickson
Physical Ed 8 Wesley Ormston, Brayden Anderson
Spanish 7 Aiden Hall, Gracie Schullo
Spanish 8 Brayden Anderson, Shardae Burrow
2021 Northwestern High School COVID Procedures for Baseball, Softball and Track & Field
The following are procedures that will be followed for Baseball and Softball games hosted by Northwestern High School during the 2021 season.
By WIAA rule, both schools must complete the tracing sheet and verification form upon arrival at NHS game sites.
Players are encouraged to have their own batting helmet, bat, glove, catchers gear or any other protective equipment. If not able, disinfectant supplies will be provided in each dugout for any shared equipment.
Players should bring their own water bottle.
Each dugout will have Hand Sanitizing stations, disinfectant wipes for equipment such as helmets, and disinfectant spray for game balls hit out of play.
NW will provide extra game balls so any ball hit out of play can be sprayed with disinfectant and allowed to dry before being used again in the game.
Pre-Game meeting 2 umpires and 1 coach per team only, no players.
No post game handshake.
social distance as best as possible,
encouraged to wear a face covering when moving or unable to social distance.
should make use of hand sanitizer that will be provided.
if they have tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 10 days, have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14 days, or are currently exhibiting Covid 19 symptoms should stay home and not attend the event.
There will be concessions served by adults.
Signage will be posted to maintain social distancing
There will be no self-service of food and drinks.
There will be frequent sanitizing of area
Spectators should leave the facility immediately after the game.
The following are procedures that will be followed for Track & Field meets hosted by Northwestern High School during the 2021 season.
By WIAA rule, both schools must complete the tracing sheet and verification form upon arrival at NHS game sites.
Athletes are encouraged to have their own equipment. If not able,disinfectant supplies will be provided.
Hand Sanitizing stations, disinfectant wipes for equipment, body wipes, and disinfectant spray will be provided at the various events
Pole Vault & High Jump: Mats will be disinfected prior to warmups. Body Wipes will be available at the event for participants to use.
Shot Put & Discuss: Throwers are encouraged to have their own implement. If not, wipes & hand sanitizers will be available. Each school should have a team member retrieve implements after throws.
Athletes should provide their own water bottles.
During the meet, athletes are encouraged to social distance as best as possible at the various events.
social distance as best as possible.
encouraged to wear a face covering when moving or unable to social distance.
should make use of hand sanitizer that will be provided, and
if they have tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 10 days, have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14 days, or are currently exhibiting Covid 19 symptoms should stay home and not attend the event.
There will be concessions served by adults
Signage will be posted to maintain social distancing
There will be no self-service of food or drinks.
There will be frequent sanitizing of the area.
Spectators should leave the facility immediately after the meet.
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Auditorium
Monday, April 19, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the April 19, 2021 special meeting agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e) and (f). Included under these items is a request from Local 1397-A, AFSCME, AFL-CIO for compensation for furlough days and discipline for a support staff employee.
- Reimbursement request for furlough days.
- Consideration to Move the 5th Grade at the Iron River Elementary School to Northwestern Elementary School for the 2021-22 school year.
- Adjournment.
Nominations for Support Staff and Teacher of the Year
Nominations are being accepted for the School District of Maple’s “Support Staff of the Year” and “Teacher of the Year” for 2020-21 from interested staff and community members. There are many fine employees who serve children as classroom teachers and in positions other than classroom teaching that are very important to the operation of an effective school district. If you would like to nominate a teacher or support staff member for consideration to receive one of these awards, nomination forms are available below. We thank you for helping us recognize staff members for their contributions to the entire school program. Community nominations are due to the District Office by May 1, 2021.
Community Nominations Forms
Staff Nomination Forms
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Auditorium
Monday, April 12, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the April 12, 2021 agenda, open and executive sessions.
- Consent Agenda:
- March 8, 2021 regular board meeting minutes and the March 31, 2021 special meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Employment/Retirements
- Approval Items:
- 2021-22 Educational Plan for Grades 6-12
- Spring Sports Protocol 2021
- ESSER III Staffing Plan for 2021 and Beyond
- Summer School Course Offerings for 2021
- Revision of the Sick Leave Incentive Benefit
- School Bus Driver – Open Negotiations/Wage Incentive for Drivers and Contracts for 2021-22.
- Board Goals for 2021-22
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- Tiger’s Den Report for January 1-December 30, 2020
- School Board Election Results
- Maintenance Update
- Donation(s)
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA #12 report
- Student, Staff, and Community Recognition
- A list of Northwestern High School NWMA All-Conference Band Honorees and Northwestern Middle School NWMA All-Conference Band Honorees is listed below the agenda.
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and Iron River Elementary Schools, Director ofSpecial Education and Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator are enclosed with Board packets.
- Comments from the audience.
- Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e) and (f). Included under these items are the annual evaluation of the Superintendent.
- Adjournment.
For School Board Recognition:
While there were no All-Conference Bands nor Honor Bands during the 2020-2021 school year, the band directors in the Northwestern Wisconsin Music Association wanted to recognize those students who would have been nominated for their annual All-Conference Bands.
Northwestern High School NWMA All-Conference Band Honorees (nomination order)
- Claire Jarman, Percussion
- Amy Bates, Trumpet
- Milo Korpi, Alto Saxophone
- Lily Cain, Tenor Saxophone
- McKenzie Tuura, Bass Clarinet
- Joel Walsh, Trumpet
- Nathaniel Fechtelkotter, Trumpet
- Josie Maki, Flute
- Jackson Meller, Trumpet
- Heidi Paulson, Clarinet
- Gilbert Torvinen, Horn
- Lyvia Carson, Flute
- Thomas Shamla, Trombone
- Lauren Ketola, Clarinet
- Kylie Olson, Tenor Saxophone
- Reid Kreuser, Clarinet
- Alexis Six, Tuba
- Luke Lumberg, Trombone
- Reid Kreuser, Clarinet
- Alexis Six, Tuba
Northwestern Middle School NWMA All-Conference Band Honorees (nomination order)
8th Grade
- Owen Neilcen, Trombone
- Joshua Hanson, Trumpet
- Francesca Germano, Flute
- Oscar Danz, Percussion
- Trevellyan Amundson, Percussion
- Adeline Pooler, Clarinet
- Addison Johnson, Alto Saxophone
7th Grade
- Anthony Butkus, Clarinet
- Reagan Eberhardt, Baritone
- Payton Orme, Trombone
- Hunter Fredrickson, Trumpet
- Hudson Landwehr, Baritone
- Claire Germano, Flute
NHS Activities Round-up from March 2021
The band recently performed several selections in front of a small audience as well as live on YouTube. The performance included Charles Carter’s Overture for Winds as well as three selections from Percy Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy (as arranged by Michael Sweeney). Rounding out the selections was Armed Forces Salute. The recording of Overture for Winds and Lincolnshire Posy was submitted to the Wisconsin School Music Association for their online Large Group Concert Festival. The band received a First Division Award for their performance!!
The band has recently begun rehearsing music for another performance on Friday, May 14. The performance will include performances by the concert band as well as the jazz band.
You can follow the band on Facebook at
Battle of the Books
The team placed 2nd in the state competition in February. They tied for 1st but lost in the tie breaker. The team included Lily Cain, Riley Eberhardt, Asher Gilderman, Maija Korpi and alternate Natalie Sauer.
The choir had a successful Open Rehearsal on March 5. Part of that recording was sent to the Wisconsin School Music Association for their Large Group Contest. Adjudicators listened to and critiqued the performance of the Hallelujah Chorus, Ave Verum Corpus and Cindy, and the choir was awarded a GOLD MEDAL for their performance. Congratulations, Choir! Even in the midst of the pandemic, the NHS Choir has proven their excellence!
Follow the HS Choir on Facebook:
A big congratulations to all of the 18 students who competed in the DECA State Career Development Conference before spring break! Everyone did such an amazing job, and we are so proud of you!
Special shoutouts to the following students:
- Dylan Anderson for medaling in the Business Finance Series!
- Kylie Benesch and Brianna Linderholm for medaling in the Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making event!
- Ellianna Madrid and Josie Maki for not only medaling in the Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making event, but also for earning a perfect score in their role play!
- Abby Wennersten for placing 7th overall in the Marketing Template event and earning a spot at the International Career Development Conference!
- Chelsey Maki for placing 6th overall in the Marketing Template event and earning a spot at the International Career Development Conference!
Link Crew
Link Crew Leaders plan on meeting with their freshmen monthly to do a variety of activities to help them with their second semester of high school.
National Honor Society
New members of the National Honor Society will be inducted on April 12th with a ceremony in the lower gym. We will be including last year’s inductees as well since they did not receive a ceremony last spring.
Yearbooks are currently available. The current price is $70. Please order by the end of April. The yearbooks will be distributed mid-May. The easiest way to purchase a yearbook is to order one online. Click on this link to do so:
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Thompson @
Trap club
First night of the Trap season is Wednesday, April 7th at the Hawthorne Trap Club
Competition season is starting in April. Three teams will be competing in a range of contests throughout the month of April.
- The Horse Evaluation team will be competing on Wednesday April 21st. This competition consists of identifying breeds, horse anatomy, structure and performance and conformation.
- The Wildlife Management team will be competing on Thursday April 22nd. This competition consists of identifying species of Wisconsin Wildlife and answering questions related to hunting, fishing, and trapping laws and regulations.
- The Livestock Evaluation team will be competing on Tuesday April 27th. This competition consists of identifying breeds of cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats. And being able to judge these animals’ conformation and structure as they related to food production.
Good Luck to all who are competing this year.
Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation
We are pleased to announce the development of the Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation! This community developed program is an independent, 501 (C)(3) non profit organization dedicated to enriching the overall education experience of students of the School District of Maple. The Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation ignites the power of community, connects generous hearts with education and provides the resources needed for every child to exel inside and outside of the classroom through extraordinary learning experiences.
Watch this website for more information and your invitation to our First Annual, NWTEF Black Tie Gala, coming soon!
Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation
Educating This School Year and Beyond
March 2021
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members:
It is the one year anniversary of when Covid-19 changed the world of education as we knew it. Kudos to all our teachers this past year for learning how to teach online while still maintaining excellence in the face-to-face classroom. Thank you to parents and guardians for all your patience this year and for helping your children succeed.
Great strides have occurred with helping families get connected to the internet, checking out Chromebooks for those families who needed them and welcoming students back once families were comfortable sending their children back to school.
This year our extracurricular activities have thrived from online open rehearsals recorded on our YouTube channel for all choir and band concerts, a musical It’s Vaudeville, which was filmed and is on our website for your viewing, plus every sport team had a successful season including conference championships, along with
regional and sectional wins again this year. FBLA, DECA, FCCLA, FFA and Student Council are just a few of the NHS offerings students participated in this school year to stay connected. Next year we sincerely hope activities will be as they once were while still maintaining safety.
We will take the most up to date guidance from Douglas County and Bayfield County Health Departments, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Governor for the State of Wisconsin and the National Center for Disease Control as to how to continue education in the fall of 2021. We have made huge strides in 2020-21 from September 1, 2020 attending K-5 five days a week and the two day cohort model for grades 6-12. On October 5th we were face-to-face four days a week and Wednesdays online.
In 2021-22 the Education Plan is to have all grades face-to-face five days a week K-12. As to safety precautions and all extra events and activities it is our hope to maintain safety for students and staff while still offering all extracurricular activities and events from prior to Covid-19.
Decisions as to whether masks are required or strongly encouraged will wait until July as information related to Covid-19 continues to change.
As we finish the school year we look forward to Commencement Ceremonies on Friday, May 28, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. The goal is to be able to have an "in-person" ceremony for the graduates and to have guests in attendance; most likely in a limited manner. The high school is looking at a number of different options and will be making a formal announcement in coming weeks.
Summer School (June 10-30) course development is in full swing with numerous offerings and options for academic recovery and enrichment for those families who are interested.
Let’s finish the year strong! Feel free to continue to communicate any needs you may have.
Dr. Sara L. Croney, Superintendent
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