NHS Activities Round-up from March 2021
The band recently performed several selections in front of a small audience as well as live on YouTube. The performance included Charles Carter’s Overture for Winds as well as three selections from Percy Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy (as arranged by Michael Sweeney). Rounding out the selections was Armed Forces Salute. The recording of Overture for Winds and Lincolnshire Posy was submitted to the Wisconsin School Music Association for their online Large Group Concert Festival. The band received a First Division Award for their performance!!
The band has recently begun rehearsing music for another performance on Friday, May 14. The performance will include performances by the concert band as well as the jazz band.
You can follow the band on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/northwesternhighschoolband/
Battle of the Books
The team placed 2nd in the state competition in February. They tied for 1st but lost in the tie breaker. The team included Lily Cain, Riley Eberhardt, Asher Gilderman, Maija Korpi and alternate Natalie Sauer.
The choir had a successful Open Rehearsal on March 5. Part of that recording was sent to the Wisconsin School Music Association for their Large Group Contest. Adjudicators listened to and critiqued the performance of the Hallelujah Chorus, Ave Verum Corpus and Cindy, and the choir was awarded a GOLD MEDAL for their performance. Congratulations, Choir! Even in the midst of the pandemic, the NHS Choir has proven their excellence!
Follow the HS Choir on Facebook:
A big congratulations to all of the 18 students who competed in the DECA State Career Development Conference before spring break! Everyone did such an amazing job, and we are so proud of you!
Special shoutouts to the following students:
- Dylan Anderson for medaling in the Business Finance Series!
- Kylie Benesch and Brianna Linderholm for medaling in the Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making event!
- Ellianna Madrid and Josie Maki for not only medaling in the Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making event, but also for earning a perfect score in their role play!
- Abby Wennersten for placing 7th overall in the Marketing Template event and earning a spot at the International Career Development Conference!
- Chelsey Maki for placing 6th overall in the Marketing Template event and earning a spot at the International Career Development Conference!
Link Crew
Link Crew Leaders plan on meeting with their freshmen monthly to do a variety of activities to help them with their second semester of high school.
National Honor Society
New members of the National Honor Society will be inducted on April 12th with a ceremony in the lower gym. We will be including last year’s inductees as well since they did not receive a ceremony last spring.
Yearbooks are currently available. The current price is $70. Please order by the end of April. The yearbooks will be distributed mid-May. The easiest way to purchase a yearbook is to order one online. Click on this link to do so: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1116879/Northwestern-High-School/2021-Yearbook/2020073104373217076/CATALOG_SHOP/
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Thompson @ kthompson@nw-tigers.org
Trap club
First night of the Trap season is Wednesday, April 7th at the Hawthorne Trap Club
Competition season is starting in April. Three teams will be competing in a range of contests throughout the month of April.
- The Horse Evaluation team will be competing on Wednesday April 21st. This competition consists of identifying breeds, horse anatomy, structure and performance and conformation.
- The Wildlife Management team will be competing on Thursday April 22nd. This competition consists of identifying species of Wisconsin Wildlife and answering questions related to hunting, fishing, and trapping laws and regulations.
- The Livestock Evaluation team will be competing on Tuesday April 27th. This competition consists of identifying breeds of cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats. And being able to judge these animals’ conformation and structure as they related to food production.
Good Luck to all who are competing this year.
Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation
We are pleased to announce the development of the Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation! This community developed program is an independent, 501 (C)(3) non profit organization dedicated to enriching the overall education experience of students of the School District of Maple. The Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation ignites the power of community, connects generous hearts with education and provides the resources needed for every child to exel inside and outside of the classroom through extraordinary learning experiences.
Watch this website for more information and your invitation to our First Annual, NWTEF Black Tie Gala, coming soon!
Northwestern Tigers Education Foundation
Educating This School Year and Beyond
March 2021
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members:
It is the one year anniversary of when Covid-19 changed the world of education as we knew it. Kudos to all our teachers this past year for learning how to teach online while still maintaining excellence in the face-to-face classroom. Thank you to parents and guardians for all your patience this year and for helping your children succeed.
Great strides have occurred with helping families get connected to the internet, checking out Chromebooks for those families who needed them and welcoming students back once families were comfortable sending their children back to school.
This year our extracurricular activities have thrived from online open rehearsals recorded on our YouTube channel for all choir and band concerts, a musical It’s Vaudeville, which was filmed and is on our website for your viewing, plus every sport team had a successful season including conference championships, along with
regional and sectional wins again this year. FBLA, DECA, FCCLA, FFA and Student Council are just a few of the NHS offerings students participated in this school year to stay connected. Next year we sincerely hope activities will be as they once were while still maintaining safety.
We will take the most up to date guidance from Douglas County and Bayfield County Health Departments, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Governor for the State of Wisconsin and the National Center for Disease Control as to how to continue education in the fall of 2021. We have made huge strides in 2020-21 from September 1, 2020 attending K-5 five days a week and the two day cohort model for grades 6-12. On October 5th we were face-to-face four days a week and Wednesdays online.
In 2021-22 the Education Plan is to have all grades face-to-face five days a week K-12. As to safety precautions and all extra events and activities it is our hope to maintain safety for students and staff while still offering all extracurricular activities and events from prior to Covid-19.
Decisions as to whether masks are required or strongly encouraged will wait until July as information related to Covid-19 continues to change.
As we finish the school year we look forward to Commencement Ceremonies on Friday, May 28, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. The goal is to be able to have an "in-person" ceremony for the graduates and to have guests in attendance; most likely in a limited manner. The high school is looking at a number of different options and will be making a formal announcement in coming weeks.
Summer School (June 10-30) course development is in full swing with numerous offerings and options for academic recovery and enrichment for those families who are interested.
Let’s finish the year strong! Feel free to continue to communicate any needs you may have.
Dr. Sara L. Croney, Superintendent
School District of Maple
District Conference Room #2270
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 – 4:00 p.m.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the March 31, 2021 special meeting agenda open and executive session.
- Consideration to move to an executive session necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(a) and (c). Included under this item is hiring and retaining bus drivers including contracts, compensation and incentives for employment.
- Adjournment.
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Auditorium
Monday, March 8, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the March 8, 2021 agenda.
- Consent Agenda:
- Approval of the February 8, 2021 regular board meeting minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignations/Retirements/Employment
- Approval Items:
- Start College Now/Early College Credit Program for Fall 2021.
- Date Revisions to COVID-19 Protocol for Facility Usage and Public Attendance at Special Events
- CESA #12 Shared Services Contract for 2021-22.
- Technical Excellence Scholarship Recommendation.
- Advertising for the Building Construction House Bids.
- Report and Recommendations from the March 8, 2021 Buildings/Grounds/Transportation Committee Meeting.
- Bus Driver Referral Program Revisions and Bonus.
- Bus Driver Contract Days.
- 2021-22 Educational Plan - Discussion
- Administrative report:
- Communications
- 2021 Summer School Offerings
- February 16, 2021 School Board Election Primary Results; posting and canvass notice for the April 6, 2021 school board election.
- Maintenance Update
- WASB correspondence and legislative report
- CESA #12 report
- Donation(s)
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education, and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition:
- Morgan Martens, 1st place in the 2021 Junior Iditarod.
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
(Where a majority of the Board may attend)
March 8, 2021 – 4:15 p.m.
District Office Conference Room
Call to order and roll call. (Mrs. Livingston-Matherly, Chair; Mr. Landwehr, Mr. Johnson)
The notice of the meeting was posted on District webpage, published as a legal ad in the Superior Telegram and posted throughout the District according to school board policy.
Transportation Staffing Strategies
Expansion of Fueling Station
NHS Activities Round-up: February 2021
The band will be presenting another YouTube Live Open Rehearsal on Friday, March 5 at 12:40 pm. The link to watch the informal concert is here: https://youtu.be/PRpfV2R2lyw The performance will include Charles Carter’s Overture for Winds as well as three selections from Percy Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy (as arranged by Michael Sweeney). Rounding out the selections will be Armed Forces Salute which includes “Marine’s Hymn”, “The Caissons Go Rolling Along” & “Anchors Aweigh”.
You can follow the band on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/northwesternhighschoolband/
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books competition is Thursday February 25. Four students and an alternate will be tested on their knowledge of chosen 20 books. Competition is between about 50 high schools in Wisconsin. Final results will be announced in March.
We will have our Spring performance on March 5 as a YouTube Live Open Rehearsal. It will begin at 11:20am. The link to watch the performance is https://youtu.be/6OPS6KFSJIM Since we missed our traditional singing of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus in December, we will begin our performance with it! We also have Mozart, a spiritual, a madrigal, some music from the Men’s Clinic (that was canceled this year) and some guest musicians and conductor!
Follow the HS Choir on Facebook:
It’s Vaudeville! Premiered on Sunday, February 28 at 2pm. K-12 students (as usual) were able go get a preview during school on February 26. Missed the premiere? Watch the show here for free! https://youtu.be/4vmfgIm0zN4
All the Career Technical Student Organizations (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, and Tiger Manufacturing) celebrated CTE month with daily trivia, social media outreach, and lunch room visits with students!
FCCLA is ending the collection for Harbor House Crisis Shelter. Deliveries will be made by March 5th. Bring donations to room 2050 Mrs.Lahti.
Link Crew
Link Crew Leaders spread the love throughout the school and gave their freshmen valentines!
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society will be spreading positivity throughout our school over the next few months. In the month of March, the students are providing the students with inspirational quotes every day. They are also starting to prepare for the upcoming induction ceremony in April.
Trap club
Registration is open. If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Wick in room 2051.
Yearbooks are currently available. The current price is $68; prices go up on February 5. The easiest way to purchase a yearbook is to order one online. Click on this link to do so: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1116879/Northwestern-High-School/2021-Yearbook/2020073104373217076/CATALOG_SHOP/
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Thompson @ kthompson@nw-tigers.org
For the residents of the School District of Maple
Calling All 2 1/2 to 4 Year Old Astronauts
THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 FROM 12:30PM-3:00PM
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 FROM 8:30AM-3:00PM
- Join us to see if your child is meeting all of their developmental milestones
- Address speech/language and motor development concerns
- Community resources available
- Receive a space-themed goody bag!
Social distancing will be observed
School District of Maple
Northwestern High School Auditorium
Monday, February 8, 2021 – 5:00 p.m.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
- Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Report on how the public was notified.
- Approval of the February 8, 2021 agenda.
- Public Hearing for Request to Waive Hours/Minutes of Instruction Requirements from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 118.38 (1)(a) and (b). The Board will consider the criteria established by Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(f) and PI 8.01(4), Wisconsin Administrative Code. Comments from the public will be received for this item.
- Resolution to approve the Request to Waive Hours/Minutes of Instruction Requirements from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 118.389(1)(a) and (b). The Board will consider the criteria established by Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(f) and PI 8.01(4), Wisconsin Administrative Code.
- Consent Agenda:
- January 11, 2021 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Payment of Invoices.
- Resignation(s)/Retirement/Employment/Leave of Absence
- Approval Items:
- Early College Credit Program – Summer 2021
- Employee Handbook – Sick Leave Revisions
- Bus Drivers/Mechanics Union, AFSCME Local 1397- Base Wage Increase for 2021-22.
- Revisions to COVID-19 Protocol
- Angel Fund – Maximum Limit for Donation
- Administrative Report:
- Communications
- February 16, 2021 – Primary School Board Election
- January 8, 2021 Pupil Count
- Maintenance update
- Donation(s)
- Bus Drivers/Mechanics Appreciation Day – February 9, 2021
- WASB Correspondence and Legislative Report
- CESA #12 Report
- Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education and Student Board Representatives.
- Student, staff, and community recognition
- Comments from the audience.
- Adjournment.
The NHS band will be visited online by a member of the United States Marine Band on Wednesday, February 17 as part of their Music in the Schools initiative. The title of the presentation is “You Can Do It - Achieving Goals in Music & Life”. We are very excited to meet and hear from a member of this prestigious band.
You can follow the band on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/northwesternhighschoolband/
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books members are continuing to read the selected 20 titles. The last week of February is competition. Students will battle virtually answering questions about the books.
The NHS Concert Choir had its winter concert on Friday, January 8 in the upper gym of the school. Students sang wearing their singers’ masks while remaining socially distanced. Thank you to Buffy Luostari for accompanying and to Mr. Hintzman for technical assistance. You can see the performance on our facebook page or at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKbrWuWROAw&t=1045s
A big congratulations to all of the DECA competitors who participated in the Virtual District Career Development Conference in January! Everyone did a phenomenal job! Shout out to those competitors who medaled: Kennedy Remington, Maddie Rahman, Kylie Benesch, Brianna Linderholm, Becca Hedin, Lyndsey Shaver, Noah Krieg, and Adrienne Luoma!
Congratulations as well to the following students for placing in their events:
- Honorable Mention: Abby Wennersten and Lily Nichols in Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making
- 2nd Place Overall: Autumn Askim and Alayna Pederson in Hospitality Services Team Decision Making; Becca Hedin and Lyndsey Shaver in Marketing Management Team Decision Making
- 1st Place Overall: Noah Krieg in Principles of Business Management and Administration; Maddie Rahman and Kennedy Remington in Hospitality Services Team Decision Making
You are all DECA-mazing! And, we are so proud of you! Of the 18 students who competed, 9 of them placed 1st-4th in their event! Moreover, three more were recognized as medalists! That translates into 2/3 of the chapter competitors being recognized in some way "on stage" in our Virtual Awards Ceremony! We are very excited for our next step: The State Career Development Conference in March!
The regional FBLA conference will be held virtual this year. All of the students have completed and submitted their presentations and/or tests. Results from the competition will be available on February 6th.
Link Crew
Link Crew Leaders have been meeting with their freshmen groups during advisory to build connections and offer support. They completed a Leadership Lab with Motivational Speaker, Mike McGowan during Snow Week, and they’re excited about their upcoming activities that they have planned for our school community.
National Honor Society
National Honor Society thanked all of the teachers and staff at the high school by getting breakfast for them from Big Apple Bagels. In the next few weeks new applications will go out to eligible candidates and the plans will begin for the spring induction ceremony.
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl ended the regular season in Second Place. The end of the year, virtual, tournament begins Feb 1 and runs thru Feb 8.
Trap Club
Registration will be starting within the next two weeks. Listen to the announcements for instructions about how to register. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Wick, room 2051.
Yearbooks are currently available. The current price is $68; prices go up on February 5. The easiest way to purchase a yearbook is to order one online.
Click on this link to do so: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1116879/Northwestern-High-School/2021-Yearbook/2020073104373217076/CATALOG_SHOP/
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Thompson @ kthompson@nw-tigers.org
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