School District of Maple
4/13/2020 Board Meeting Agenda

April 08, 2020

School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School
Room 2270 (Entrance E)
Monday, April 13, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.  
PUBLIC NOTICE:  The health of District Employees, School Board, and the Community is our number one priority.  Therefore, the District will be taking precautionary measures consistent with the CDC recommendations and the Governor’s orders and holding our regular April Board meeting remotely. 

Please consider viewing the meeting through IFan teleconference available at 5:00 p.m. on our homepage at   You can click on the link provided to enter the meeting.

Public comments during the comment section are welcome and can be submitted to Peggy Janigo through email at  Comments will be compiled and distributed to the Board of Education. 

If you need special accommodations for accessibility to the April School Board Meeting, please contact Peggy Janigo at by 12:00 pm. on Monday, April 13, 2020.


  1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Report on how the public was notified. 
  3. Approval of the April 13, 2020 agenda, open and executive sessions. 
  4. Consent Agenda:  
    1. March 9, 2020 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions and the March 23, 2020 special meeting, open and executive sessions.
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices. 
    4.  Resignations/Employment/Retirements  
  5. District’s Response to COVID-19:  Food Service, Education, Library Services 
  6. Approval Items:
    1. Post-Employment Retirement Benefit. 
    2.  Angel Fund Revision
    3. Building Construction Bids – Revision 
    4. Preliminary Notice of Lay-off Due to 4K Enrollment
  7. Administrative Report:
    1. Communications
    2. School Board Election - TBD
    3. Local 1397-A AFSCME, AFL-CIO Bus Drivers/Mechanic Union Negotiations, on April 16, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., District Conference Room. 
    4. Maintenance Update
    5. Donation(s)
    6. WASB correspondence and legislative report
    7. CESA #12 report
    8. Student, Staff, and Community Recognition
    9. Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education and Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator are enclosed with Board packets.  
  9. Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open     sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e) and (f).  Included under these items are 2020-21 middle management and administrative contracts.
  10. Adjournment.  

3/23/2020 Special School Board Meeting

March 18, 2020

School District of Maple

District Conference Room at Northwestern High School

Room 2270 (Entrance E)
Monday, March 23, 2020– 4:00 p.m.


1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Report on how the public was notified.

3. Approval of the March 23, 2020 agenda open and executive sessions.

4. Revision to Policy No. 0167.1 Bylaws – Voting

5. Consideration to move to an executive session necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(a) and (c). Included under these items is employee compensation during COVID-19 shutdown and middle management longevity pay.

Reconvene to open session at 4:30 p.m. for possible action

6. Employee compensation during COVID-19 shutdown.

7. Adjournment..

3/13/2020 COVID-19 Statement

March 16, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020

Dear School District of Maple Families,

As of Wednesday March 18th through April 5th the school district is closed due to the Governor’s order.  As of now the School District of Maple will reopen Monday April 6th. 

Due to at least 10% of our families (less at the high school) not having internet access, at this time we will not continue education virtually unless you are already a Virtual Maple student.  As to how we will make up the days or the number of minutes or if some will be forgiven by the state, no information has been given at this time. As I learn more it will be shared promptly. 

Tigers’ Den Daycare is open Monday March 16th and 17th but is ordered to be closed March 18th and will reopen Monday April 6th.

We will confirm with the state if we are allowed to implement our plan to feed students. As of now our plan is for breakfast and lunch to be served from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. for all students at Iron River Elementary and Northwestern High School starting March 23rd when we would have been open. Details of the way to order will be shared next week through Skylert, our website and social media if permission is given.

As updates occur we will continue to communicate. 

Hope you do have precious time with your family.

Warm regards,

Dr. Sara Croney, Superintendent 
School District of Maple

3/9/2020 Board Meeting Agenda

March 04, 2020

School District of Maple
District Conference Room at Northwestern High School
Room 2270 (Entrance E)
Monday, March 9, 2020 – 4:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.  There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.  

  1. Call to order, roll call, and Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Report on how the public was notified. 
  3. Approval of the March 9, 2020 agenda.
  4. Consideration to move to an executive session pursuant to an executive session necessary for items exempted under open session according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85 (1)(c) and (f).  Included under these items is an expulsion hearing.
    1. Reconvene to open session at 5:00 p.m.
  5. Consent Agenda:  
    1. Approval of the February 10, 2020 regular board meeting minutes and the February 26, 2020 special meeting minutes, open and executive sessions. 
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices. 
    4. Resignations/Retirement/Employment 
  6. Approval Items:
    1. Mr. Hessel and the Visual Arts Classic Team will report on the February 21, 2020 Regional Competition and request permission to attend the State Competition on April 16-17, 2020 at UW-Madison.  
    2.  Mrs. Johnson and the FBLA members will report on the February 1, 2020 Regional Competition and request permission to attend the State Competition on March 29-31, 2020 in Madison, WI and begin planning and attend the National FBLA Competition in Salt Lake City, UT on June 28-July 3, 2020 for those members who qualify. 
    3. Mrs. Lahti and the FCCLA members provided a report on their accomplishments throughout the school year and the regional competition and are requesting permission to attend the State Competition and Leadership Lab in  Wisconsin Dells on April 6-8, 2020 and to begin planning and attend the National FCCLA Convention in Washington DC, July 5-9, 2020 for those members who qualify.
    4. Start College Now/Early College Credit Program for Fall 2020.
    5. Staffing at Northwestern Elementary School for 2020-21.
    6. WIAA Athletic Cooperative Team Renewal:
      1. Girls’ Hockey, Gymnastics, Boys Swim - Superior
      2. Boys’ Hockey – Ashland 
    7. CESA #12 Shared Services Contract for 2020-21.
    8. Technical Excellence Scholarship Recommendation. 
    9. Bids Requested for the Building Construction House.    
    10. 2021-22 Teacher Calendar.
  7. Administrative report:
    1.  Communications
    2. Summer School Offerings
    3. April 7, 2020 School Board Election and Canvass Notices
    4. Maintenance Update 
    5. WASB correspondence and legislative report 
    6. CESA #12 report  
    7. Donation(s)
    8. Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary/Iron River Elementary Schools, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator, Director of Special Education, and Student Board Representatives.  
    9. Student, staff, and community recognition:
      1. A list of all Northwestern Middle School and Northwestern High School All-Conference Bands and Honor Bands for the 2019-20 school year is attached to the agenda.
  8. Comments from the audience.
  9. Adjournment.

NMS Tiger Tales - March 2020

March 03, 2020

NMS Schedule Updates for 2020-2021

How exciting is this? Next year ALL students at NMS will have PE ALL year starting 2020-2021! A huge thank you to all the staff for coming together to create a schedule that will allow for this to happen. This is a building initiative to integrate more physical fitness into our students’ days and place an ever greater emphasis on health in our community.

The Encore/Specialist rotation will be as follows:
6th Grade: Students will rotate on a three day (AM) 40 minutes and (PM) 40 minutes schedule alternating PE/PE, Art/Intervention, and Health/Guidance all year. 7th and 8th Grade: Students will have PE/Health every other day all year, and Art and Spanish on the
semester. So exciting!

Experience Day 2020 ROCKED

Thank you to all of our staff and to our Board for helping make our annual Experience Day one to remember! We heard NUMEROUS compliments from the businesses that the students visited about how incredible our Tigers are. Way to represent!

State Representatives Visit NMS

On February 24 the NMS FACT group and our school had the privilege of WI State Senator Janet Bewley and Representative Beth Meyers visiting our school. Our FACT Members shared our E-Cigarette Timeline with them and a smaller group facilitated a coalition meeting where they shared what they have been doing as a group. Sincere gratitude for being part of this group goes to NMS students:

  • Braedon Gross
  • Ellie Peterson
  • Maddie Gunderson
  • Riley Eberhardt
  • Oscar Danz
  • Shayna Wick
  • Deja Evans
  • Jay Kaufman
  • Tori Kaufman
  • Marissa Yadon
  • Larissa Sislo
  • Karly Nichols
  • Maddie Gaffke
  • Anja Helllekant

Addtional NMS Gratitude To:

Our NMS our peer leaders, who have been busy planning activities for a Random Acts of Kindness celebration. We call it RAK for short. RAK Week is designed to be an opportunity to go out of your way to do small acts of kindness that can make a big difference without looking for any reward or recognition. Let’s make kindness the norm at NMS!

NMS Shout Outs To:

We are proud to announce our entire NMS Forensic Team has been invited to attend the LEVEL II competition in Eau Claire. Ten out of our 11 members are new to forensics. Each and every one of them have earned this great trip with their hard work. Way to represent!

Congratulations to Cameron Jonasen, for placing 2nd in Districts for the Peace Poster contest! She was awarded $75! Nice work, Cameron!

Additional NMS Info for Families:

WI Forward Testing Window: March 23 - May 1st

Our 8th graders will open testing on Tuesday, March 24th with Science and Social Studies going first. Grades 6-8 will begin the ELA testing the week of April 6th and Math the week of April 20th. Attendance, a good night’s rest, and a healthy breakfast at home or school are crucial over this period of time.


5 Wrestling at Hayward - 5:00
7 Youth Wrestling Tourney 4K-8 @ NHS
10 Wrestling at Barron - 5:00
12 Wrestling - Home Meet - 5:00
12 NMS Dance and Fun Night, 3:20-5:45 p.m.
16-20 Spring Break, No School
24 Wrestling - Home Meet - 5:00
26 Wrestling at Turtle Lake - 5:00
26 NMS Parents Group Meeting, 3:30-4:00 p.m., NMS Library
    Contact Becky Landwehr,
    Can't make it due to schedules or other obligations?
    No worries!
    Just DIAL in: 712-775-7031 (ENTER MEETING ID 555-984-859)

31 Wrestling at Cameron - 5:00
4/3 Wrestling - Conference Tournament at Spooner (early release day) - 5:00

NHS Activities February 2020 Round-Up

March 02, 2020

Art Club

Twelve students competed at the Visual Arts Classic on February 21st at Northland College in Ashland. Students worked on a long term project for months and brought it with them to the competition. Short term projects were started and finished on site in two and a half hours. Of the 24 projects, 18 took first place honors and the other six took second place. As a team, the students won the Critical Thinking Challenge, Art History Quiz Bowl, and the overall Regional Championship. As Regional Champions, the team will compete in all categories at the state meet on April 17th.


The NHS Concert Band recently performed for a panel of three adjudicators at the annual WSMA Instrumental Music Festival which took place at Northwestern in our auditorium.  The group was rewarded with a gold rating for their efforts.  For this event, the group performed Chant and Jubilo by Francis McBeth, Chasing Sunlight by Cait Nishimura and The Perfect Morning by Darryll Johnson II.  They will add Imaginarium by Randall D. Standridge, as well as a brand new work for band by Ian Deterling, for the NHS Spring Concert on Monday, March 9 (7:30 pm).

You can follow the band on Facebook at


Your NHS DECA Chapter competed at UW-Stout on January 11th.  We had 36 competitors attend the conference.  From that 36, we had 21 students who medaled.  That’s almost 60% of the chapter who got up on stage!  Moreover, the following students placed in their events:

  • Kylie Benesch and Brianna Linderholm: 3rd Place in Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making
  • Brooklyn DeGraef: 2nd Place in Restaurant and Food Service Management
  • Ryleigh Hill and Jocelyn Luostari: 1st Place in Hospitality Services and Team Decision Making

Moving forward, 10 student representatives will be competing or participating at the State Career Development Conference in March at the Grand Lake Geneva Resort.  Wish them luck!

Additionally, thirteen DECA members headed to Green Bay, Wisconsin at the end of February for the WI DECA Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference.  At this event, students had the opportunity to hear from industry leaders, tour major sports complexes, experience a professional sporting event, and network with peers and mentors.


The forensics (speech) season is upon us. We have 27 groups of speakers preparing speeches, reading poetry, or memorizing scripts to perform for speech judges. Our first competition will take place on February 27 at Northwestern. Students perform three times for three different judges in hopes of earning enough points to advance to the next level of competition. We will need some volunteers to help our event run smoothly. :) In addition, the public is invited to come and watch students perform. The rounds will be roughly at 4pm, 5:30pm, and 7pm.

NHS Quiz Bowl Team:

Quiz Bowl had their end of year tournament at CESA 12 February 12th.  We went into the tournament in 4th place from our matches during the year and came out of the tournament in First Place.  Quiz Bowl is an activity in which teams of 4 compete against other teams by answering 40 academic questions.  Look forward to next season!

Trap Club

It's almost time for Trap season!
High School Trap League Registration is open until March 23. Returning athletes​ have been sent an email with instructions. New athletes can pick up a registration instruction sheet in the main office of NHS or NMS.
There will be an informational parent meeting on March 4th in NHS room 2051 at 6pm.
Please call Cynthia Wick at 715-363-2434 ext. 2051 or email her at with any questions!


The Black and Gold yearbook staff is wrapping up the 2020 yearbook this week.  If your son or daughter has not yet ordered a yearbook, there is still time to do so.  You can log onto to place an order or you can fill out an order form and send it with payment to Mrs. Thompson at the high school; yearbooks are currently $70.  Yearbooks will be distributed mid May.

NHS Sports Recap Of The Week

February 27, 2020

Upcoming Events 

THURSDAY:  Boys Wrestling State Tournament @ UW-Madison 

                       Boy Basketball vs Cameron 5:45pm and 7:15pm

FRIDAY:  Girls Varsity Basketball Regional Game vs St. Croix Central  7:00pm

SATURDAY:  (If Girls Basketball wins on Friday)

                      Girls Varsity Basketball Regional Game vs TBD 7:00pm

VAC Regional Champions!!

February 27, 2020

2020 VAC Regional ChampionsTwelve students competed at the Visual Arts Classic on February 21st at Northland College in Ashland. Students worked on a long term project for months and brought it with them to the competition. Short term projects were started and finished on site in two and a half hours. Of the 24 projects, 18 took first place honors and the other six took second place. As a team, the students won the Critical Thinking Challenge, Art History Quiz Bowl, and the overall Regional Championship. As Regional Champions, the team will compete in all categories at the state meet on April 17th. 

NHS Sports Recap Of The Week

February 17, 2020

Upcoming Events

MONDAY:  Boys JV and Varsity Basketball @ Washburn 5:45pm and 7:15pm

TUESDAY:  Girls Basketball vs Barron 5:45pm and 7:15pm

                    Wrestling Team Sectional @ Baldwin-Woodville 6:00pm

THURSDAY:  Boys JV and Varsity Basketball @ Barron 5:45pm and 7:15pm

FRIDAY:  Girls JV and Varsity Basketball @ Cameron 5:45pm and 7:15pm


NHS Activities January 2020 Round-Up

February 03, 2020


  • Alumni Pep Band Night kicked off the basketball pep band season this year.  The Tiger Pep Band will continue to support the basketball team at several home games in February.
  • The pit band for musical started rehearsing before school a few weeks ago to prepare for the 2020 NHS Musical: Spamalot (February 16 & 17).  The NHS Concert Band is preparing music for two upcoming performances.
  • On February 26, the NHS Concert Band will perform for a panel of three adjudicators at the annual WSMA Instrumental Music Festival taking place at Northwestern in our auditorium.  For this event, the group will be performing Chant and Jubilo by Francis McBeth, Chasing Sunlight by Cait Nishimura and The Perfect Morning by Darryll Johnson II.  They will add Imaginarium by Randall D. Standridge, as well as a brand new work for band by Ian Deterling, for the NHS Spring Concert on Monday, March 9 (7:30 pm).

You can follow the band on Facebook at


The choir said goodbye to our student teacher, Ms. Olson, at the end of the semester. As our new semester begins, we are working on music for the Spring Concert on Monday, March 9 at 7:30pm. For that concert, we will share the stage with the band, and will perform some music from our large group competition. That competition will take place on the Luostari stage on March 11. The choir performs music from the state’s Class A contest list, the most difficult music category. 

At the end of February, the group will make its annual trip to Chanhassen Dinner Theatres to see The Music Man.


Your NHS DECA Chapter competed at UW-Stout on January 11th.  We had 36 competitors attend the conference.  From that 36, we had 21 students who medaled.  That’s almost 60% of the chapter who got up on stage!  Moreover, the following students placed in their events:

  • Kylie Benesch and Brianna Linderholm: 3rd Place in Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making
  • Brooklyn DeGraef: 2nd Place in Restaurant and Food Service Management
  • Ryleigh Hill and Jocelyn Luostari: 1st Place in Hospitality Services and Team Decision Making

Moving forward, 10 student representatives will be competing or participating at the State Career Development Conference in March at the Grand Lake Geneva Resort.  Wish them luck!


The forensics (speech) season is upon us. We have 27 groups of speakers preparing speeches, reading poetry, or memorizing scripts to perform for speech judges. Our first competition will take place on February 27 at Northwestern. Students perform three times for three different judges in hopes of earning enough points to advance to the next level of competition. We will need some volunteers to help our event run smoothly. :) In addition, the public is invited to come and watch students perform. The rounds will be roughly at 4pm, 5:30pm, and 7pm.


Even amidst the flu and other ailments, the rehearsals for the 2020 musical, Spamalot, have been intense in January, as the cast and crew gets set for opening night on Feb. 15 and 16. Tickets for the show are now on sale in the high school office!

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society just wrapped up the 4th annual Dodgeball event to raise money for a local organization.  This year the National Honor Society chose to support CASDA (Center Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse).  The dodgeball tournament raised over $200 that will be donated to CASDA.

Next up is volunteering for the Birkie in February.  A group of National Honor Society members will be going to Hayward to volunteer at the Bib Pick Up station at the American Birkebeiner.  

Solo & Ensemble (music)

Students in the band and choir are getting ready for solo and ensemble competition that will take place in March in Ashland. Several soloists and small groups have gotten music to rehearse on their own, and they will then perform for judges at the competition.


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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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