School District of Maple
May 2023 NHS Activities Round-Up
WRITTEN BY Michael Hintzman ON June 06, 2023

May 2023 NHS Activities Round-Up



The NHS band finished the year strong with a great performance at the NHS Commencement.  Several members of the band will gather in the summer to play in the Iron River Blueberry Festival on Sunday, July 23.



Concert Choir and choir seniors ended the year strong with their performance at commencement May26th!



Maddie Rahman and Chelsey Maki attended the DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida in April.  They did a wonderful job representing the School District of Maple at this event.


Link Crew:

The Link Crew 23-24 team was announced and trained this May.  We’re looking forward to them hosting Freshmen Orientation in the fall!


 The Northwestern FCA Huddle meets every Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 3058.  We want to thank Peter Kephart and Kayla Paulsen for being awesome senior Huddle Leaders this year and wish them the best as they pursue degrees in college this fall.  Mr. Coleman came to speak with us about how to handle lack of fellowship over the summer and how to maintain solid friendships.  In the fall, Jenna Hursh, Lawson Burkhardt, Ashlyn Sutherland and Addison Hansen will lead the Huddle.  All are welcome!  Have a super summer!   



Brinley Tonn, Sheila Gregerson, Asher Gilderman, Lily Kwako, and Justin Nelson will be representing Northwestern at the WI State FFA Convention in Madison in mid June. They will be accepting awards to our FFA chapter as well as participating in a variety of community service projects and leadership development workshops. 

FFA members are also gearing up for 2023-2024 officer elections and planning to go to the State FFA Leadership Conference and Convention in June. 


NES Mentors

The NES Mentors are completing their work with an NES student this week.  If you are interested in doing this next year, please stop in Room 3058.  Volunteering is an amazing experience and this is one way you can pay it forward!  Thank you to all NES Mentors!   



Students Against Destructive Decisions have a Random Act of Kindness project ready for NES.  If your elementary school student talks about a small treat that had words of encouragement, that was probably from a group of SADD students at NHS.  Kindness makes a difference everyday and if we can model it hopefully it will be contagious! 

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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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