School District of Maple
NMS Tiger Tales - October 2020
WRITTEN BY Michael Hintzman ON October 04, 2020

Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Our NMS Mission

Northwestern Middle School is an organization that exists to serve the developmental needs of early adolescents. Our mission is to promote success for all students through a solid academic, exploratory and extra-curricular program that encourages the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and creative growth of our students in a safe environment while empowering them to become socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Our NMS Students ROCK!

We simply could not be more proud of our NMS students.  Seriously.  We cannot say it enough.  They are respectful, responsible, and ready for whatever is being put before them and it is a JOY to work with them.  They meet challenges with readiness and perseverance, and continue to AMAZE us with their diligence to keeping themselves and others safe. Even better...they do it in a manner and fashion that is commendable.  Our staff are so proud of them!

Meal Distribution Update

Starting Wednesday, September 30
2:00 p.m. & 3:30 p.m.
Our NMS Safety and Hygiene Reminders:

  • Continue to wash and sanitize your hands.
  • Continue to maintain social distancing of 6ft or more (two arm lengths).
  • Continue to try to not be small spaces without a mask for more than 15 minutes and make sure you have sufficient fresh air flow.
  • Continue to wear a face covering.
  • Stay home when you do not feel well or have symptoms.

Time to Sign Up for NMS Drama

If you are interested in signing up for NMS Drama, the sign-up sheet is on the stool by Room #72.   Please take a copy of the letter and permission form too.  This year’s theme is “Old Radio Shows.”  If you are a person who doesn’t like to act, we are in need of people to help with sound effects.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Honkanen, or 715-364-2218 #1415.

Cohorts to Four Days or Online

Beginning on Monday, October 5 students and families will have the choice to attend school for four days a week coming on MT and ThF, but remaining virtual on Wednesdays.  The other option will be to do school virtually M-F.   The two day a week cohort option will officially be over on that Monday, October 5. Please contact the office if you have questions.

Water Bottles for ALL

Thank you to Kristin Clemmer, our school RN, for entering a statewide drawing where every time the Green Bay Packers get a sack against an opposing team Delta Dental draws one school and the entire school wins a water bottle for everyone!  NMS WON!! How cool is that?  Thanks, Kristin!


The Wisconsin School Immunization Law requires all students to be compliant with the Wisconsin Immunization Law by the 30th day of school which is October 13th, 2020. Parents of students who are not compliant at this time have been notified by mail. To remain compliant with the law, please provide your students immunization record or sign a waiver on the Student Immunization Record that was sent home by the 30th day of school.  Thank you for your cooperation. ~ The school nurse, Kristin Clemmer

If you need ANYTHING, please reach out:

NMS Office:

Carlene Brandmeier,
Kari Raaflaub,


Erika Kaufman,
Molly Stonesifer,

Free Meals Info:

Jody Botten,

Chromebooks or Library Books:

Barb Knoll,

COVID Testing Info:

Any Wisconsin resident over the age of 5 experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is welcome at these sites. Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms here.

Each site may have different requirements. Some sites may ask you to stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors. Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive. Click here for a map displaying current testing sites in Wisconsin. This map will be updated daily. Additional information on this free testing:
Turnaround time for test results is typically 24-48 hours. During this time, it is important that you avoid contact with others
This is a nasal swab test
Testing is free of charge

Our NMS Daily Reminder…

At NMS we don’t expect everyone or anyone to be Perfect.BUT...we do expect that we are Respectful to each other, Responsible, and Ready. 

And, that we remember to be Kind..
Obviously we know everyone is facing their own struggle today, and we hope we are all part of the solution and not the problem here at NMS.

NMS Activities OCTOBER 
*Subject to Change

5     Students return MT and ThF on campus; Wednesdays virtual

7    NMS Conferences, 4:00-7:30 p.m.  - By appointment, virtual this year.  
    More info coming.

9    Progress Reports Go Home with Students

12    Girls Basketball Game - 4:00 pm
Board Meeting, 5:00pm, NHS Auditorium
15    Girls Basketball Game - 6:00 pm

20    Girls Basketball Game - (during school)

30    Fall Fest...A very modified version is being considered by staff and we will share that info when we have reached that determination. Stay tuned.

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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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