School District of Maple
5/11/2020 Re-Org and Regular Board Mtng
WRITTEN BY Michael Hintzman ON May 08, 2020

School District of Maple

District Conference Room at Northwestern High School

Room 2270 (Entrance E)

Monday, May 11, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the
meeting as indicated in the agenda.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The health of District Employees, School Board, and the Community is our number one priority. Therefore, the District will be taking precautionary measures consistent with the CDC recommendations and the Governor’s orders and holding our Reorganizational May Board meeting remotely.

Please consider viewing the meeting made available through IFan TV teleconference available at 5:00 p.m. You can click here to watch the meeting.

A Public Hearing has been scheduled during the May meeting to Request a Waiver of Hours/Minutes of Instruction Requirements and Educator Effectiveness from Department of Public Instruction. Please see Item No. 5.

Public comments during the comment section are welcome and can be submitted to Peggy Janigo through email at Comments will be compiled and distributed to the Board of Education, or can be submitted through IFan TV.

If you need special accommodations for accessibility to the May School Board Meeting, please contact Peggy Janigo at by 12:00 pm. on Monday, May 11, 2020.


  1. Call to order and roll call: Mr. Landwehr, Ms. Saari, Mrs. Lind, Mr. Granlund, Mrs. Livingston-Matherly, Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Zwicky Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. The agenda was posted throughout the district according to school board policy, published as a legal ad in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage, and sent to the WNXR radio station for announcement. A meeting notice was sent to the The Connection for publication.
  3. Approval of the agenda.
  4. Election of officers: the Clerk, Gail Saari, shall preside until the President is elected. The President will conduct the election of the remaining officers. Officers to be elected:
    1. Election of President
    2. Election of Vice President
    3. Election of Clerk
    4. Election of Treasurer
    5. Appointment of CESA #12 representative to serve on the Board of Control
    6. Appointment of the WASB Correspondent
    7. Appointment of board committees
  5. Public Hearing for Request to Waive Hours/Minutes of Instruction Requirements and Educator Effectiveness from Department of Public Instruction, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 118.38 (1)(a) and (b). The Board will consider the criteria established by Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(f) and PI 8.01(4), Wisconsin Administrative Code.
    For those who wish to offer testimony, comments, or questions on this section only, please use the IFan TV forum, type your comments and they will be read aloud.
  6. Resolution to approve the Request to Waive Hours/Minutes of Instruction Requirements and Education Effectiveness requirements from the Department of Public Instruction, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 118.38 (1)(a) and (b). The Board will consider the criteria established by Wisconsin State Statute 121.02(1)(f) and PI 8.01(4), Wisconsin Administrative Code.
  7. Consent Agenda:
    1. April 13, 2020 regular board meeting minutes, open and executive sessions.
    2. Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Payment of Invoices.
    4. Resignations/Employment/Retirement
  8. Approval Items:
    1. Authorization of electronic signature block.
    2. Laude System Proposal
    3. Building Construction House Bid(s)
    4. WIAA Membership for 2020-21
    5. Local 1397-A AFSCME, AFL-CIO Bus Drivers/Mechanic Union Contracts for 2020-21
    6. Policy No. 6116 Revision – Time and Effort Reporting
    7. Changes to the Employee Handbook for 2020-21
    8. Final Lay-Off Notice due to Enrollment
    9. Douglas County Sale of Surplus State-Owned Land in the School District of Maple, Town of Amnicon.
  9. Administrative report:
    1. Communications Received
    2. Possible Calendar Adjustment for 2020-21
    3. Graduation, Alternate Program for May 22, 2020 Ceremony/Celebration at a Later Date
    4. Summer School Courses
    5. Open Enrollment Deadline Extension for 2020-21 – May 29, 2020
    6. Maintenance Report
    7. WASB legislative and correspondence report
    8. CESA #12 report
    9. Donation(s)
    10. Reports from Northwestern High School, Northwestern Middle School, Northwestern Elementary and the Iron River Elementary Schools, Director of Special Education, Athletic Director/Activities Coordinator.
    11. Staff, student, community recognition
  10. Comments from the audience.
    For those who wish to offer testimony, comments, or questions on this section only, please use the IFan TV forum, type your comments and they will be read aloud.
  11. Consideration for an executive session is necessary for those items exempted under open sessions according to Wisconsin State Statutes §19.85(1)(c)(e). Included under these items are contract revisions to include post-employment benefit compensation for administration and middle management.
  12. Adjournment.

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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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