School District of Maple
NMS Tiger Tales - November 2019
WRITTEN BY Michael Hintzman ON October 28, 2019

November 2019
Tiger STRONG. Tiger PROUD.

Continuing to Keep NMS Students Safe

  • Thank you to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department and their K9 Unit for assisting in our ALICE drill.  Everything went very well, and we are proud of our students.  
  • Our evacuation drill to NES also went very well, and our students did a great job.  Tiger Safe, Tiger Proud!
  • Students have been boarding a bus and revisiting the five expectations for bus safety.  Each group has been respectful, responsible, and ready.  Thank you to Lea from Transportation for helping make this happen!

Conferences Follow Up

Thank you to all of our NMS Family Members who could make it into conferences.  If you missed them, always know we welcome calls and tele-conferences if you need them.

NMS Parents Group Kicks Off/Students Reap Benefits of Book Fair

Just a reminder that our NMS Parents Group meets on the third Thursday of every month in the library at 3:30 p.m.  Feel free to call in if you can’t make it.  Call-in directions are on the web.  DIY Club started up this month, too, with MOSAIC ART!  So cool and fun!  Also, the NMS Book Fair generated enough funds for each grade level team to get over $200 in free resources and books for students.  THANK YOU!

Great Stuff Happening After School for NMS Students

  • Traveling Team Basketball

  • SBA Basketball

  • Girls Hoop League

  • The Lions Club Peace Poster Contest

  • Tabletop Game Club

  • Reading Club

Mr. Ketola says “HELLO” to all at NMS

He took some time this month to connect with his students via Zoom.  Thank you, Mr. Ward, for coordinating.  Mr. Ketola is doing well while serving his mission with the USAF 148th Fighter Wing!
If you would like to send him a note, please drop it off at the office and we will send out to him.


The Northwestern 5/6th grade Black team competed in the 2nd annual  Battle at the Bay tournament on Saturday in Superior. 
There were 12 teams in the tournament. 
They went 5-0 to win the championship. 
This same tiger team won the championship game 24-6 against Denfeld.

NMS November Activities/Reminders

November 14th, 2019 is World Diabetes Day.

Wear Blue to support our students, staff, and loved ones who live with diabetes.
Let us our school nurse if there are other awareness days that support our students and community and we will represent Tiger Strong!

November 18 -  22 is Red Ribbon Week at NMS.  

This week is designed to encourage students to celebrate drug free lifestyles and healthy  choices.  Students also take part in a Red Ribbon Fair where they will participate in booths and activities that will educate them on myths and facts related to many types of drugs, alcohol, e-cigarettes, and prescription medication.  The booths are fun and engaging while also informing students on important issues that will help them make good decisions.

Other November Events

  • 4 First Boys’ Basketball practice
  • 6 EARLY RELEASE for Students/Inservice for Staff, 12:20 p.m. & LAST DAY OF FIRST QUARTER - Please check Skyward.
  • 12 NMS Boys’ Basketball Game, 6pm and 7pm
  • 14 High School Drama’s Night of One Acts, 7pm Luostari Auditorium
  • 19 DIY Club, Must be signed up and have a permission slip on file
  • 19 NMS Boys’ Basketball Game, 3:30 and 4:30
  • 21 NMS Parents Group Meets in Library, 3:30
  • 21 NMS Boys’ Basketball Game, 3:30 and 4:30
  • 18-22 Red Ribbon Week (AODA Education and Awareness)
  • 22 Christmas City of the North Parade - Come watch NHS perform!

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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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