School District of Maple

Chrome Device 1 to 1

Students have access to a Chromebook in the classroom on a daily basis which will allow continued use of Google Classroom and other digital resources that became a staple of our educator's toolboxes in future.  Please read below for more information on device pick up (6-12) as well as other information on how the district is supporting this initiative.

Grade level Chrome Device Information

  • Students in grades K-1 will be issued a District-owned Lenovo Duet tablet.  Similar in some respects to an Apple iPad, this tablet will be used at school and will be configured to allow students to log in using their district Google accounts.
  • Students in Grades 2-12 will be issued a District-owned Chromebook.  While all elementary students will leave their devices at school, students at NMS and NHS will be provided with a case to allow transport daily to and from school.  In addition, students in grades 6 and 9 will be assigned a Chromebook which will be expected to last the entirety of their time at their respective school.

Grades 6-12 Device Distribution

  • Chromebooks for grades 6-12 will be available for pick up during open house
    • NHS Students can pick up in the High School Media Center.
    • NMS Students can pick up in the Middle School Media Center. 
  • Please have the MS/HS Technology Agreement signed online or in person, and  insurance paid or waiver signed.
  • Students will receive a Chromebook, charger and case with their name on it. These cases will remain with the student until the end of their building education. 

Insurance/Cost (2023-24)

Students grade 6-12  will be provided a Chromebook, charger, and protective carrying case. Students are responsible for taking care of these items. If these items become damaged or lost, the following fees apply:

  • lost/damaged charger - $25.00 each incident
  • lost/damaged case - $15.00 each incident

In the event the Chromebook is damaged, fees will be assessed at the time a repair report is completed. The following fees will be applied to the students’ skyward account:

Damaged Item

Repair/replace cost without insurance

Repair/replace cost With insurance
Chromebook replacement $280.00 $0
Screen $50.00 $0
Charger Port $50.00 $0
Keyboard/mouse pad $15-$65 for whole $0
Battery $60.00 $0

The cost for yearly device insurance $30.00 and covers all unintentional damage. It does not cover loss or stolen Chromebooks, chargers or cases.  

Device Repair

All damages will be assessed by the District Librarian. If the Chromebook is damaged, it will be sent to the district approved company to be fixed, and sent back. A loaner Chromebook will be issued to the student while the original is being fixed. The general time frame is two weeks for the whole process. A repair form will be sent to parents once the Chromebook is fixed and fees will be added to skyward if they apply.

Home Use

Students are issued a Chromebook to improve and personalize his/her education this year. It is essential that the following guidelines be followed to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical operation of this computer: 

  • Supervise student use of the Chromebook at home including internet and email
  • Discuss family's values and expectations regarding the use of the Internet and email at home 
  • Do not attempt to repair the Chromebook
  • Do not attempt to clean it with anything other than a soft, dry cloth
  • Report to the school any problems with the Chromebook 
  • Make sure the student recharges the Chromebook battery nightly 
  • Make sure the student  brings the Chromebook to school every day in grades 6-12

Filtering and Monitoring

The School District of Maple utilizes an internet content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).  All district owned devices are filtered both on network and off. Although the district has very strict filter settings at all grade levels, no filter can block 100% of inappropriate content. The presence of filters or blocks do not relieve the students and/or parent/guardian responsibility of any board policies or relieve the parent/guardian of their responsibility for supervising the student’s use outside of school. 

Digital Citizenship

Technology allows unlimited resources to enhance our education with vast collaborative partnerships. Learning to be a good digital citizen allows us to utilize technology in safe, responsible, and productive ways. Students will learn safety, privacy, and security, information literacy, and intellectual property and copyright based on the Wisconsin Informational and Literacy Standards and ISTE Standards. 

Building Level/Teacher Responsibilities

Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security. 

Google Links


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School District of Maple

Serving the Communities of 
Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Highland, Hughes,
Iron River, Lake Nebagamon, Lakeside, Maple, and Poplar 

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