NHS Activities Monthly Round-up: January 2025
Band members have begun working on concert selections for the Spring Concert. Before the Spring Concert, the concert band will perform for a panel of judges at the WSMA Instrumental Concert Festival on Thursday, February 20 (hosted by NHS). Recently, the NHS Sports Band performed for back to back basketball games. The NHS Pep Band will be performing at basketball games a few more times this season. Lastly, members of the pit band have been rehearsing before school to prepare for the upcoming musical, The Wizard of Oz (https://www.onthestage.tickets/school-district-of-maple)
Concert Choir is busy preparing music for the Spring Concert on Monday, March 3rd, and for Choir Contest on Thursday, March 2nd. All small groups are busy preparing music for the District Solo and Ensemble event at Ashland on Saturday, March 22nd.
Congratulations to all of the DECA students who competed at UW-Stout at the DECA District Career Development Conference! Special shout outs to the following:
-Event Medalists: Isaac Pooler, Lauren Wiita, Aden Hubbard, and Wilson Isaksen
-Event Finalists: Doris Ewald, Cameran Jonasen, Ellie Peterson, and Ashlyn Sutherland
-3rd Place Finish: Jaylynne Lawler and Sophie Navarro
Next step is the State Career Development Conference down in Lake Geneva at the end of February.
The cast, crew, and band are hard at work in the land of Oz. The sounds of powertools, singing, and dogs barking fill the air during rehearsals. Tickets are on sale for both the Saturday, February 15th show (7:30pm) and the Sunday, February 16th show (2:00pm). Tickets can be purchased online: https://www.onthestage.tickets/school-district-of-maple
Welcome to 2nd semester of FCA! On Friday, Jan. 31, Tim Gunderson from Eau Claire, will be leading our Huddle and talking about FCA Leadership and Sport Camps in our area. Please contact Morgan Martens, Ashlyn Sutherland, Addison Hanson, Reagan Eberhardt or Payton Orme for more information. We meet every Friday morning at 7:30 in Room 3058.
NES Mentors
Thank you to all the NHS students who have made a commitment to the NES Mentor program. We have a great group making a difference in the life of an NES student. Our 3 C’s for this year are Commitment, Communication and Consistency. Thank you for making a commitment, thank you for communicating with your cooperating teacher at NES and thank you for being consistent. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Vik in Room 3055 or send an email to Mrs. Hietala.
SADD and FACT (Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco) are combining efforts at NHS.
Trap Club
Registration will begin on February 4th. Don’t wait as space is limited. See Mrs. Wick in room 2051 with questions.