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12/14/2020 Curriculum Comm. Agenda
WRITTEN BY Michael Hintzman ON December 09, 2020

NHS Auditorium 
Monday, December 14, 2020, 4:15 p.m.


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Roll Call: Gail Saari, Chair; Rachel Zwicky, Nancy Lind, Committee Members.
  3. The meeting was published in the Superior Telegram, posted on the District webpage and throughout the District according to School Board Policy.
  4. Northwestern High School – New Courses for 2021-22
    1. Advanced English 10 – Jovin Kroll
      1. Grade 10
      2. 1.0 Credit. 
    2. Introduction to Engineering – Laurence Charlier
      1. Grades 9-12
      2. .5 Credit
    3. Applied Engineering – Laurence Charlier
      1. Grades 11,12
      2. .5 Credit 
  5. Northwestern Middle School – New Procedure
    1. Summer School programming – beginning summer 2021
    2. Credit recovery for middle school students that fail classes.
  6.  Adjournment.

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